Mataji continued after a short silence:
‘Peace in the society and in the world will ever remain a mirage without peace within individuals and families. Forgiveness and reconciliation are preconditions for peace within individuals and families ……This is possible only through love…..
‘Just as justice comes from law and righteousness comes from faith, forgiveness comes from love, and only from love, my son.’
Mataji looked at Atma Prakash questioningly.
‘Will you please explain to me?’ Atma Prakash asked Mataji.
‘Justice is ensured through law, through enacting and enforcing laws based on the Constitution of the country. The Government, the Judiciary, the Police, the Bureaucracy etc. are there to enforce law and ensure justice. The Parliament makes the laws in a Sovereign Democratic Republic like India……
‘Suppose, there is a theft in your house. You file a FIR with the Police who will investigate and arrest the thief, when caught, and produce him in the Court. The Judge will ‘try’ the case and, if found guilty, award suitable punishment to the guilty. You can also get back the stolen things and money…. We can say that the law is enforced and justice is done….
‘Or suppose somebody encroached into your private property. You can approach the Court and get him evacuated, and recover your property. Justice is done to you based on the laws governing private property of citizens…
‘Or imagine that you lost your seniority in service because of the injustice done to you by the Head of Department or Vice Chancellor. You can approach the Court and regain your seniority and promotion. In all these cases we can say that ‘justice is done based on the law’.….
‘Now suppose another situation. You are walking alone on a lonely road in the night. There is a bundle of currency notes lying on the road. You pick it up and keep it for yourself. No one has seen you. No one will ever know. Police will never catch you. Under such a situation if you keep the money and use it for yourself, you can never be brought before the Judge or the law. In the eyes of the world you continue to be a just and respectable man…..
‘But if you are a man of values and faith in an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God, you know that God sees and knows everything. You cannot hide anything from God. Your conscience will tell you: ‘It is wrong to keep this money. It does not belong to me. I must find out the real owner and ensure that the money is returned to him’. You may give an advertisement in the local news paper about finding the money. You may inform the police and civil or religious authorities. You will ensure that the amount is returned to its rightful owner. This is the righteousness that comes from faith, faith in God and faith in values….
‘Righteousness cannot be enforced through law. It is beyond the law. It is above justice. It is based on faith and values. It is here religion comes in. Faith and values are the realms of religion. Whereas law and justice are the realms of politics and governance….
‘Law and justice constitute the minimum requirements for peaceful coexistence. This is the dividing line between humankind and the animal kingdom….
‘Whereas faith and righteousness come at higher levels of moral development. The degree of moral development of a nation or society can be measured in terms of the level of righteousness being practiced and promoted by the citizens of that nation or by the members of that society. Do you understand these differences, my son?’ Mataji asked Atma Prakash.
‘Yes, Mataji. I have understood the difference between justice based on law and righteousness based on faith very well. Please tell me now about forgiveness based on love.’ Atma Prakash requested Mataji.
Excerpts from Integral revolution