During their next Guruvar Satsangh Atma Prakash asked the Baba, ‘Guruji, what do you mean by ‘enlightened leadership’? You had mentioned this term a number of times.’
The Baba replied: ‘First of all, let me share with you my understanding of the term ‘enlightened leadership’, my son. It implies leadership guided by the light within….
‘Enlightened leadership is essentially a spiritual task because the ‘inner light’ is an attribute of the spirit. It is the spirit that is the source of wisdom and enlightenment. Hence, we can also say that enlightened leadership is leadership guided by the truths of spirit, that is, leadership based on eternal spiritual principles and universal moral values. This is the kind of leadership we need for our Integral Revolution……
‘Gandhiji placed truth and non-violence, satya and ahimsa, as the basic attributes of enlightened leadership. Swami Vivekananda emphasized on renunciation and service, tyaga and seva. We can integrate both and consider truth, non-violence, renunciation and service; satya, ahimsa, tyaga and seva; as the four pillars of enlightened leadership. It is on these four pillars that we can build a truly enlightened leadership for a culture of peace in the world and for the Integral Revolution that we dream about...
‘I also wish to share with you, my son, five principles of enlightened leadership…’ the Baba said and looked at his disciple.
‘Please, oh revered one, teach me the five principles of enlightened leadership…’ Atma Prakash was prompt in his response….
‘The first principle of enlightened leadership, my son, is ‘Focus and Progress’. Only by focusing on what one is doing, can one really make any true progress. Many of us know how our own minds keep wandering, even when we are eating or meditating. We need to focus our minds on what is being done, on the present…
‘Children watch TV and eat their food. If you ask them afterwards what they had eaten, they might not even remember…..
‘You have seen the fast flying fighter planes of the Air Force. I used to fly such planes. They have pointed cone nose and delta wings, making them look like arrows piercing through the sky at incredible speed. The more pointed an air craft is, the faster it can fly. This principle holds good for us also….
‘With focused thought and action we can rise higher and faster in life. We can also do better in our selected field of activity, whatever it may be. All of us can experiment with this principle and experience the results for ourselves…..
‘The second principle is ‘Trust and Entrust’. One needs to trust oneself and others. Only those who can trust themselves alone will be able to trust others. Without trusting people we cannot entrust responsibilities to them. Without delegation of authority and responsibility, we cannot achieve anything great in life. All great missions will need great team work which is only possible by entrusting authority and responsibility to others. This means believing in oneself first….
‘According to Swami Vivekananda, ‘he is an atheist who does not believe in himself’. Swamiji had also pointed out that “the old religion said that he was an atheist who did not believe in God. The new religion says that he is an atheist who does not believe in himself.” We need to have faith in ourselves. Only then we can have faith in others. Only when we entrust responsibilities to others, showing our faith in them and their capacity, will others be able to grow….
‘The third principle will be a corollary to the second. It is, ‘Grow and Help grow’. Anything challenging and worthwhile will always help us grow. Only a great and challenging mission can help to bring out the best in us. As we grow, we need to help all those working with us also to grow. In helping others to grow, we ourselves will rise to greater heights. People are remembered not for what they did to themselves, but for what good they did for others….
‘Activities and initiatives that will not help us and others to grow are mere waste of precious time and life. Time is the most precious gift of God to us. As we have already seen, one’s life-span in this world is measured in terms of time, that is, in terms of years, months, days and hours. Endeavor and achievement are our grateful response to the gift of life, to the gift of time…..
‘The fourth principle, my son, is ‘Risk and Rise’. An aircraft or a kite can rise only with air resistance. Life becomes more fruitful by facing the trials and tribulations of this world with courage and faith. Without challenges, one cannot rise high in life. One also needs to take ‘calculated risks’ from time to time if one has to rise to greater heights of excellence and achievement...
‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going’ is the tile of a book I had read some years ago. The real caliber and character of an individual are tested at times of adversity. Opportunities to suffer for a noble cause are also opportunities for self-purification and personal growth…..
‘Just as gold and silver are purified in fire, we humans are purified and sanctified through voluntary suffering for a higher cause. Only by taking risks can we really rise up in life in our forward, upward and Godward journey….
‘The fifth and the last principle of enlightened leadership that I wish to share with you, my son, is ‘Respond and Report’. One needs to respond creatively and courageously to the demands of the time and to the challenges of life. Such creative and courageous responses are essential for making life exciting and worth living. Most of us only ‘react’, we do not ‘respond’ to situations and crises…
‘In an organizational setup or in a group activity, we also need to ‘report’ to the concerned authorities who are responsible for decision-making or for the effective management of the institution, organization or group. Regular ‘reporting’ from the cadre and leaders can help those on the top of the ladder to be more effective in their decision-making and leadership…..
‘Similarly, networking and linking up with various like-minded organizations, institutions, individuals and groups are essential for us to create the ‘synergy’ necessary for the success of our endeavors. Effective use of communication skills is very important for the successful implementation of this principle of ‘Respond and Report’…..
‘These five principles of enlightened leadership, if applied and promoted sincerely, will enable you to become an enlightened leader. For you, my son, it is also very essential….
‘May God bless you, my son, to be such an enlightened leader… You have now learnt the four pillars and five principles of enlightened leadership. Can you recollect them, my son?’ the Baba asked.
‘Yes, of course guruji. The four pillars are: Satya, Ahimsa, Tyaga and Seva. The five principles are: Focus and Progress, Trust and Entrust, Grow and Help Grow, Risk and Rise, and Respond and Report.’ Atma Prakash replied.
Excerpts from Integral Revolution