Friday, 29 April 2016

What is Sovereign

The Baba has been teaching Atma Prakash various kinds of meditations for peace.
After the meditation session was over on that day, Atma Prakash requested his guruji to speak to him about the kind of sovereign spiritual persons required for a culture of peace in the world.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
The Baba began: ‘We have the traditional concept of an ‘Avatar’, a divine incarnation appearing on earth to re-establish righteousness. We have earlier defined such a divine incarnation in terms of a great and powerful ‘sovereign spiritual person’…
‘The third millennium will need, not just one such great and powerful sovereign spiritual person, but a communion, a Sangha, of such great and powerful sovereign spiritual persons to provide the necessary enlightened leadership to a great moral and spiritual revolution…..
‘You have been reading the books of Dr. Sarveppalli Radhkrishnan, the late Philosopher-President of our country. He was an enlightened scholar both in philosophy and religion. After his deep study of religions, he was convinced that the ‘Avatar’ for the ‘Kali Yuga’ will not be a single individual, but a ‘Sangha’; a communion of great and powerful sovereign spiritual persons….
‘The present ‘Yuga’ which also includes the third Millennium, is supposed to be the ‘Kali Yuga’ when forces of evil are all-powerful and all-pervasive. You can refer to his small book titled ‘Kalki’ for a deeper understanding of his ideas. It is in our library… 
‘A leader without a cadre of committed workers will not be effective in any great mission. Hence, these great and powerful sovereign spiritual persons will need a large number of less or equally powerful sovereign spiritual persons committed to the mission to work with them as their partners-in-mission…. 
‘In the absence of one very great and powerful sovereign spiritual person, we will need a Sangha of a larger number of ordinary sovereign spiritual persons like us….”
Atma Prakash looked at Baba questioningly. 
‘Revered guruji, what will be the qualities and characteristics of the sovereign spiritual persons to become partners-in-mission with this ‘Sangha’ of great and powerful sovereign spiritual persons in the third millennium?’ … He asked the Baba.
The Baba was prompt in response: ‘Their thoughts, words and deeds will have to be in harmony. They will have to be at peace with themselves, with others and with the world of nature. They will have to be integrated persons in whom the physical, the mental, the intellectual and the spiritual dimensions of their personalities will be integrated; in whom the rational and the intuitive, and the feminine and the masculine, will make an integrated whole; and in whom divine love shall be the guiding force instead of human laws and religious faith…. 
‘Above all, they will ever be in communion with the Supreme Spirit, the one true God; and will be free, fearless, impartial, and selfless….’.

Excerpts from ‘Integral Revolution.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Consumer Culture – 8 Integrity

Empathizing with my hurts and disappointments from very close quarters, my daughter, also a clinical psychologist, in a recent e-mail recognized my plight, and comforted me with ”Ego-integrity versus Despair”, the last stage of growth in Erickson’s Eight Stages of Growth during a human life-span. Well, integrity is all I have in my final stage. Most of the close relatives that I helped with money, advice, and guidance do not relate to me since I emphatically declared as my policy Christ’s teaching that my true relatives are those who do the will of God, and help materially the real needy. They certainly agree with Christ’s teachings and admire my effort to follow them. But they do not think that a life based on truth, conviction, and conscience will get the approval or acceptance of the powerful including the powerful Church authorities. Sadly the present condition is such that Christ himself will not be recognized or approved by the keepers of his doctrine in his own Church. One of the most heinous crimes committed in the recent history of Kerala under the influence of lust was by a Christian. Most probably he had very good marks in catechism. The only beacon of hope and light for humanity was his grieving father, who after trying to strongly warn his criminally-inclined behavior, testified against him, and saved his own integrity. Interestingly and pathetically, most relatives and close friends do not want to take the side of moral values, and incur the wrath and displeasure of their near and dear ones. In such a climate one should not be surprised at our society that is amoral and devoid of integrity and values.
This morning (April 28, 2016) I was pained to hear the conviction of Dennis Hastert aged 74, who was the longest serving Speaker in the United States Congress, the legislative body of the nation. He held one of the highest positions in the country, and was second in line of succession should the president die or get incapacitated.  He not only sexually abused boys entrusted to him in a position of trust, kept on paying a victim hush money (which finally brought his crimes to light), but also used the might of the United States legal system to frame a victim as a criminal extortioner. It may be noted that he was also a born-again Christian.
Currently hectic election campaign is going on in Kerala. I am surprised at the lack of values and integrity of many candidates. Yet many of them will be elected. What about the values and integrity of “we people” in a democracy who elect them? In the election fever for presidency in the United States, a curious phenomenon has emerged wherein the republican contender for the presidency is favored by the people though not wanted by the top brass of the party. The successful contender has brought decent dialogue and humane discourse to a low point, to say the least. Again what do we say about the “we people” who opt for him. Are we then surprised about rampant crimes and breakdown in law and order?
In a world order such as ours where we seem to be surrounded by darkness, integrity may be all that we have. Darkness cannot snuff out our light of integrity. 

Swami Snehananda Jyoti 

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Tiger’s Lesson

Many times I derive my thoughts after watching some TV shows. This time I would narrate you a thought derived from story of a human trainer who trained two tiger cubs. This trainer helped one of the cubs to care for his wound. After this care the cubs developed a great relationship with their human trainer. Both grew with him. The trainer was worried that the cubs were learning more manly habits than their tiger like habits. He tried to train the cubs to get hold of the prey. The basic problem of these cubs was that they were unable to understand that which prey is right for them. In a scene the young cub was standing near a very large hippo in the hope that he might be able to grab him through his neck. Another time the tiger cub stood behind the zebra and what he got in return was a thumping leg stroke from the zebra. In one another chance the cubs tried to get entangled with elephants. Obvious the elephants drove them away. As the cubs grew into full fledged tigers, it was the daily duty of the trainer to leave these cubs with jungle animals to learn the tricks of the jungles by themselves. He just kept a watch over them from a distance. The lesson of mentorship was what I could catch from this film. A mentor needs to leave his pupil learn with their own experiences. Sometime difficult times will come for the learners. Some lesson’s might be life threatening, ego hurters or may require to be learned many times again and again. It is important to keep a vigil, but the larger share of life’s lessons are one’s own experiences. 

Dr. Sunil Ji Garg

Monday, 25 April 2016

Burying your Valuables

Human habits and attitudes are typical. We throw a tip of 500 Rs. in a five star hotel with pleasure but are not comfortable while giving 10 Rs. to a beggar. There are a minimum of two personalities in every person. The world needs smart techniques to educate people. That’s why the Ten Commandments turn just part of an epic only. Nobody learns that adultery or murder is a sin. It is here that I love the Brazilian millionaire Thane Chiquinho Scarpa, who tried a smart technique to teach the public a lesson. He announced in his facebook page that he is going to bury alive his million-dollar Bentley car. 
His announcement raised many eyebrows all over the world because already he was known for outrageous acts, such as willing his fortunes to his cockatoo. He announced that he will be burying his vehicle in his yard, just as pharaohs did with their precious possessions. 
On the day of the burial, Count Scarpa's real intentions were revealed. As the press gathered around Mr. Scarpa, the Bentley and a big hole in the ground, it was announced that the event marked the opening of "National Organ Donation Week," and Scarpa's stunt turned out to be the launching pad of a campaign by Leo Burnett Tailor Made. "I didn't bury my car, but everyone thought it absurd when I said I would," he said. "What's absurd is burying your organs, which can save many lives. Nothing is more valuable. Be a donor and tell your family." 

Joseph Mattappally

Friday, 22 April 2016

Divine Grace

‘What you mean by ‘divine grace’ guruji?’ Atma Prakash asked
The Baba replied: ‘By the term ‘divine grace’ we mean here the compassionate and loving presence of the omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent Supreme Spirit, the Ultimate Truth, the one true God, in human history and in one’s own day to day life. It is the ‘love-force’ inspiring, motivating and propelling our life. ‘Divine grace’ is a free gift of the one true God to humanity. It gives meaning, direction and purpose to one’s life, if one is open to it….
‘Spirituality and spiritual principles enable us to experience, enjoy and apply ‘divine grace’ in our specific life-contexts. Spirituality also is our grateful response to this divine grace. Does it answer your question, my son?’ asked the Baba. 
‘It does, my revered guruji…. You have spoken about spirituality. Can we now come back to ‘morality’?’ asked Atma Prakash.
The Baba responded: ‘Yes my son. As I have mentioned earlier, morality is the practical application of spirituality in time and space. Moral values are based on spiritual principles…
‘Morality and moral values are community-centered, that is, they are applied, taught and preserved by communities of people. They are often defined and laid down by great and powerful sovereign spiritual persons. Communities built around such great and powerful sovereign spiritual persons often develop into ‘religions’. These religions in course of time become custodians, teachers, and promoters of the morality and moral values developed from the spirituality and spiritual principles enunciated by their ‘founders’…. 
‘The great and powerful sovereign spiritual persons will have deep and original experience of God, the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient Supreme Spirit that is the source of creation and ground of existence, and in whom we live, move and have our being. Such experiences find written expressions through the ‘scriptures’ of religions….
‘But remember, both religions and scriptures are outcomes of the original experiences of their founders or proponents. Unfortunately, we often find the religions and their scriptures becoming ends in themselves.’ …The Baba looked at the face of Atma Prakash. He was all attention.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Atma Prakash said as if speaking to himself to recapitulate what he has heard from his guru. 
‘Sovereign spiritual persons are spiritually awakened and morally upright persons who are able to stand firm on their own spiritual experiences, and hold fast to the spiritual principles and moral values that they are convinced about…
‘Sovereign spiritual persons are impartial, selfless, free and fearless spokespersons of truth and goodness, and of the oneness of reality and the sanctity of all life. They are persons of great love and compassion, of deep understanding and empathy. Every human person, everyone of us, is called to be, and destined to be, a sovereign spiritual person with a unitive divine consciousness….
‘Great and powerful sovereign spiritual persons are prophetic individuals who are God’s special gifts given to humanity from time to time, and from place to place, to show the light and pave the path in humanity’s eternal quest for the Ultimate Truth, that is God Himself… 
‘Religions are born as communitarian responses to such special gifts.. But religions and their scriptures are only pointers to the Ultimate Truth…. 
‘Have I got these things right, oh revered one?’ Atma Prakash asked his guruji. 
The Baba seemed very happy listening to his disciple summing up the discussion. 
He looked at Atma Prakash with great love. 
‘You have got it absolutely right, my son’ … he said.

Excerpts from Integral Revolution

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Teena and Meena

As the title indicates, this article will definitely begin with a story of two female characters named 'Teena' and 'Meena'. Before you think anything otherwise, let me tell you that these are just names of two pet fishes in my aquarium. I do have some sixth sense of talking and hearing to my pets. One fine morning while having my breakfast on my dining table, I could hear some whispers in the aquarium, which is kept quite nearby. It was 'Teena' calling 'Meena' and telling her about a TV programme she had watched the previous night. I did not turn my head as I wanted this conversation to continue. Teena was talking about the increasing pollution level in the river they used to live earlier. She heard on the TV that government has floated a scheme to clean the river. She also told Meena if she is interested in going back to the river. Meena told Teena, "I would have loved to go back to the natural environment but what if promises made by the government are not met, what will happen." Based on the TV show, Teena had a feeling that this time government looks serious. Meena was still skeptical. She said, "First of all! it is difficult to convince our master, and secondly nothing new is happening this time, which had not happened earlier". Teena said, "Let us at least discuss this issue with our master. May be he knows something more". Hearing this I started preparing myself. I knew that next time I am going to clean my aquarium; I will have a job of talking to these two fishes. 
Next day itself, I was supposed to do routine cleaning of the aquarium. Meanwhile, I had collected sufficient information about the government's plan. I came to know that something is happening, but if it is sufficient for declaring it good enough was not really known to anyone. When it will be declared as clean, was also a difficult question for government officials. When I was posed this question, I told the young fishes that enjoy the environment in the aquarium till you get the news that the river is cleaned up. Since I did not wanted to face the next question, I quickly made distance from the aquarium, as I knew next question would be 'When'. I knew I will not be able to answer this one to them. I knew that in their short life span they will not see the day about which I had given hopes to them. 
I do not know how many more generations of these fishes we will have to avoid talking to till we are able to show the real action. All of you know that whatever I wrote above is Imaginary. Friends! The thought is real. Episode I created in my mind, but it was a sort of helplessness on part of river cleaning programmes we run in our country that let my mind create such a drama. I hope someday I can become answerable to nature.
Dr. Sunil Ji Garg

Being Smart pays

An Old Italian farmer lived alone in the country. He wanted to dig his tomato garden, but it was very hard work as the ground was hard.  His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament.

Dear Vincent,
I am feeling pretty badly because it looks like I won't be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me. Love, Dad

A few days later he received a letter from his son.

Dear Dad,
Don't dig up that garden. That's where I buried the bodies. Love, Vinnie
At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left.

The following day the old man received another letter from his son..........
Dear Dad,
Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could do under the circumstances.

Love you,

Indian Thoughts Archives

Monday, 18 April 2016

Congrats Bagarti

It is said that a thousand words equal one picture and a thousand pictures equal one live example. Motivating by live examples had been the modes operandi of great visionaries who shone like bright lamps in darkness. At a time in which positive thinking is replaced by positive attitude and hard work with smart work, right motivation is power. Here, it is a simple guy from a simple background who has set an elite example of successfully chasing one’s goal. 

I don’t know who helped Jothi Ranjan Bagarti (32) from Orissa to reach the impossible, practically for a security guard. IAS had been his goal in life; however, he could not make it in his first attempt ten years back. Even though he seemed to be quite content with his present family life, the fire within was not settled. His intense desire to reach, where he intended, was not extinguished; it kept on kicking from within. For the last two years, he was working hard to get through all the rigid tests. Do you know what happened? Recently he has resigned from Cognizent Technologies and another fellow will occupy his chair at the gates, for this man is now in Mussoorie for the IAS training.      

Joseph Mattappally

Friday, 15 April 2016

Spirituality and Morality

‘Guruji, Mataji had mentioned that ‘a spiritually awakened, morally regenerated, economically prosperous and politically strong Mother India will be a mother of love and a princess of peace in the world family of nations. She also told me that this is what you are promoting..…. 
‘You had told that my own mission is to awaken Mother India to this her destined divine role in the world family of nations…… 
‘Revered guruji, can you please first of all explain to me what is the difference between spirituality and morality?’ 
Atma Prakash asked the Baba next time when they sat together for their ‘Guruvar Satsangh’. 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
The Baba closed his eyes for a minute, as if praying. 
He then opened his eyes and looked into the eyes of his disciple, and said:
‘Spirituality and morality, my son, are like science and technology. Technology is practical applications of scientific principles. The same scientific principles are used in many technological applications and innovations…
‘Scientific principles do not change until they are proved inadequate to explain the concerned reality. Till then they hold good, and are considered universal. But the technological applications of these scientific principles change often, from time to time and place to place….. 
‘Technologies are need-based and area-specific. For example, a car, an airplane and a rocket apply certain common scientific principles, but modified to suit their specific functions and purposes, and areas of operation. Laboratories and Research Centers mainly work on scientific principles. Industries and Training Institutes often work on their different technological applications…… 
‘Spirituality is eternal. It is the science of the Spirit, of the transcendent reality that manifests itself in, with and through the material world. The spiritual principles are universal. Whereas ‘morality’ is the practical application of spirituality in time and space. Moral values are based on spiritual principles. But these moral values can be different for different times, different situations, different cultures, different countries and for different levels of consciousness….. 
‘Spirituality and spiritual principles are person-centered, that is, they are presented and promoted by ‘sovereign spiritual persons’ who have experienced, and are witnesses to, the ‘divine grace’ that is ever present and active in creation. They see and represent God’s living presence in human history. Do you understand this much my son?’, the Baba asked.
‘I am hearing this term ‘sovereign spiritual person’ for the first time. What do you mean by ‘sovereign spiritual person’ guruji?’ Atma Prakash wanted to know.
The Baba replied: ‘By the term ‘sovereign spiritual person’ I mean here a spiritually awakened and morally upright person who is able to stand firm on his or her own spiritual experiences, and hold fast to the spiritual principles and moral values that he or she is convinced about….
‘Sovereign spiritual persons are those whose consciousness have evolved to the level of unitive divine consciousness….
‘At the lowest level of the evolutionary ladder of consciousness are those whose consciousness are centered on their own individual selves. We can refer to this level of consciousness as the ‘ego-consciousness’…. We can also refer to this level of consciousness as ‘I and mine’ consciousness. Constant conflict of interests with others is the visible characteristic of those at this level of consciousness …. 
‘From this level of ‘I and mine’ consciousness we evolve to a level of collective consciousness or ‘we and ours’ consciousness ….. Religions, political parties, ideological groups and nation states exist at this level. Members get their identities based on their affiliations to their religions, political parties, ideological groups and nation states. Religious conversions, political rivalries, ideological conflicts, and wars to protect or expand national boundaries etc. are the visible characteristics of those at this level….
‘From this level of ‘we and ours’ collective consciousness we evolve to a level of universal consciousness or ‘earth family’ consciousness ….. We go beyond our religious, political, ideological and national identities at this level. Religious conversions, political rivalries, ideological conflicts, and wars to protect or expand national boundaries etc. will not appeal to those who have evolved to this level of universal consciousness. They will see the whole world as one family bound with a common destiny..….
‘Above and beyond the universal ‘earth family’ consciousness is the unitive divine consciousness or spiritual consciousness which sees ‘All in One and One in All’…. Sovereign spiritual persons are those who have evolved to this level of unitive spiritual consciousenss…
‘Sovereign spiritual persons are impartial, selfless, free and fearless spokespersons of truth and goodness, and of the oneness of reality and the sanctity of all life. They are persons of great love and compassion, of deep understanding and empathy. Every human person, everyone of us, is called to be, and destined to be, a sovereign spiritual person….. 
‘As we grow spiritually we also grow and evolve in our consciousness. As we have already seen, from indiviualistic consciouness, which is the consciousness centered on the self, we evolve and unfold into a group or community consciousness. Here we will identify ourselves with a group/community/religion/nation. From the group consciousness we further evolve into universal consciousness and from there to unitive divine consciousness. At the divine level we are able to identify ourselves with God. A sovereign spiritual person is one who has evolved into such a unitive divine consciousness. He/She is one with God……
‘Great and powerful sovereign spiritual persons appear on earth at different stages in human history by special divine grace to guide humanity towards its destined role and purpose in the divine plan…Such great and powerful sovereign spiritual persona are referred to as ‘Avatars’, ‘Incarnations’ or ‘Prophets’…’ 
The Baba stopped for a while and looked at his disciple.

Excerpts from Integral Revolution

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Consumer Culture – 7 Love

We have often heard God is love. Truly love is God. Love is godly. There is no life without love. Our pilgrimage in this world without love is a journey in a barren desert without any destination. Love is the only virtue or quality that is worth living for and worth dying for. St. Paul, the great hater of Christ who became the great lover of him and his teachings, wrote the best panegyric on love that I know: “So faith, hope,love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. Make love your aim (I Corinthians, 13: 13 – 14: 1).” There is no God or religion without faith; there is no relationship without faith or trust; no hope or despair leads to suicide; yet love surpasses faith and hope. Love is the greatest source of energy. It is the greatest motivator.It recognizes no nations, no boundaries, no religions, no castes, no races, no languages. It is beyond all that.  It recognizes only humans wherever they are, and loves and accepts them unconditionally for who they are. It is universal. It alone unites humanity.The greatest commandment tells us to love God with our whole being, and to love our fellow humans as we love ourselves. It contains all the scriptures and all the sages and prophets.The great slogan of the anti-war protesters in the USA, who brought an end to the Vietnam war, was: “Make love, not war”.

Life without love is utterly meaningless. The whole creation pulsates with life and love. It beckons us to love. The flower that blooms, the bird that sings, the child that smiles  - everything in creation speaks of love, sustains us in love. The whole universe is a testimony of God’s love. What can we in return give back to this world from which we have received so much love? How can we love more today than yesterday, more this hour than the last hour? Our aim needs to be to live in love, to breathe love, and to move in love.

Swami Snehananda Jyoti  

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Vested Interests

Doing something for present or future benefit is what is a simple meaning of vested interests. Mostly politicians are charged with having vested interests for each of their acts. It is said that all treasure chests are opened when there are elections in an area. In fact every human being perform actions due to vested interests. Behaviour research has repeatedly proved that people do take decisions, which favour their own group, family or friends etc. People do speak lies due to vested interests. Sometimes the vested interests may be actually useful for a larger section of society. Here is an interesting story.

Louis Pasteur is a well known name connected to discovery of the process of pasteurization for preserving milk and wine. He is also known as the father of vaccination techniques as he first made vaccine of rabies. Interestingly his laboratory notebooks which were made public in 1971, seventy six years after his death, revealed the fact that he had tried rabies vaccines directly on his first subject, a young boy bitten by a dog, with out first trying it on other non-human subjects. He simply lied to the authorities that he had tested this vaccines on fifty dogs. He was not even a qualified medical professional to do such a test on humans. He was fortunate that his first such known test was successful and it marked a new era in the branch of immunology. I am saying it first such known test, as his assistant had been mentioning that he had earlier tried this vaccine on a girl, who had died earlier for reasons that went unreported. The risk Pasteur took in such a major test can be labelled by people as risk taken out of vested interests. At least his assistant labeled him so before resigning from his team. Life is like that. People who try things against the set norms are always objected to and discouraged. May be only a just handful are able to become Heroes, like Pasteur became in his times. Others may just vanish in oblivion. Attempts must still be made, even at the risk of being labeled anything the routine followers do.

Dr. Sunil Ji Garg.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Just Three Seconds

Quite recently, the story of a lady who was miraculously saved, passed through my fading memory. The story was about an old lady who owned a general store and gas station. Even though the gas station was slightly away from the city, she could make a good fortune. Where all its’ previous owners lost, she won. One day, the store staff closed the front doors and left. As usual, she checked and closed the daybook, counted the bills and left the counter. Before leaving the store through the back door, she got into the cooler room - just to see all soft drinks racks are properly filled and have enough stock. It was then that she heard a ‘clink’ sound from behind – the cooler room door got closed. She neither had the key nor the mobile and it was impossible for anyone to open that heavy door from inside. Minutes rolled on and nothing happened. She yelled aloud but nobody heard her. She was sure to die in it and it was then that she saw a man opening the door from outside, and peeping his head into it. She was saved. 

You will be surprised to hear why a man came into this store at so critical a time. This is another story. This grocery was adjacent to a bread shop run by an old Spanish man, to whom she used to give a very special Good morning and a Good night every day. She did not simply wave her hands and go, just as others do. She used to look into his eyes quite affectionately as if a daughter looks at her father and trying to say something and then give a wide smile along with a ‘Hey, how are you?’ Same was her Good night in the evening too. And that day, the old man did not see her even after 15 minutes of her usual leaving time. He looked out. Her car was there and the store was closed. The old man could not resist going into the store to verify what happened. He called her from out side, but nobody answered. He entered the store through the back door and checked all the store….. nobody was there.
He grew curious and decided to check the cooler room too. That was what exactly happened. The old man said, “You are special! It is your special smile that could fetch a good business for you and also save you from death.”

“Thank you Dad,” she said, with the same brand smile on her shivering lips. She continued,
“I knew that just three seconds with anyone could make a difference. No one has ever left this store without my special three seconds. In the first second I will look into my customer’s eyes; in the next second I will tell him that you are dear to me and my business; in the third second I give a very pretty smile of thanks for being into my life.”  

Joseph Mattappally

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Do What You Do

The tribal Chief was waiting with young boys and girls standing in two lines, holding garlands of leaves and baskets of flower petals to welcome the Baba.
It was a very special day for them. The Chief’s daughter was getting married. The whole tribal village was celebrating…. There was dance and music all around. 
Marriage was a very special event in the life of a young woman of this tribe..… She will ‘own’ a man and a home totally for herself! 
No other woman can touch him thereafter, not even approach him… No other ‘boss’ in the house. She will be the reigning queen.! 
Their tribal customs were very strict on marital fidelity… Before marriage one was free. One could live with members of opposite sex, could even have children...
These children would be brought up by the Chief and his wife. 
But after the marriage the husband and wife were expected to be absolutely loyal to one another. 
They will have children and will have to bring up those children themselves according to their customs.
It was also a matriarchal system that this tribe followed. The woman ruled the home and owned the property.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
The girls spread petals of flowers over the path for the Baba to walk on… The boys garlanded him one after the other. The Baba indicated to some boys to garland Atma Prakash also…..
The ‘Bamboo dance’ of young tribal women and the ‘Tiger dance’ of the young men were full of life and rhythm… 
At some stages the Chief and the Baba also joined them briefly. 
Atma Prakash was really enjoying the whole event.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Then they heard the drum beats approaching from a distance. 
The bridegroom’s party was coming.
They arrived singing and dancing. 
Few men kept down a large rectangular covered Bamboo basket they were carrying on their shoulders. 
The bridegroom got out. 
He looked so colourful!
He wore a tall cap decorated with variety of feathers. He also wore a garland of tiger teeth and nails. 
He was dressed in tiger skin.
His face was decorated with many coloured lines.

Both the bride and the bridegroom were brought to the Baba for his blessings.
Soon after blessing them, the Baba departed.
Atma Prakash followed him. 
They walked back silently to the Ashram. 
It was quite dark. It was also late in the night. 
But the Baba walked as if he was walking in broad day light. 
Atma Prakash kept close to his guruji.

‘How did you enjoy the tribal marriage?’ asked Mohini Rao.
They were sitting on stones facing each other on the riverbank.
‘It was very interesting’ said Atma Prakash. 
‘Does a revolutionary ever get married?’ she asked, as if asking herself.
‘We had few couples. But no children. Revolutionaries cannot afford to have children.’ Atma Prakash said.
‘Have you ever thought of marriage?’ She asked
‘Not marriage. But once I had little affair with a ‘beauty’…. and almost lost my life.’ He said.
‘I know of that. It was part of the exciting story of the ‘young lion’ of the naxalite revolution in Andhra Pradesh that had appeared in the newspapers…’ said Mohini.
‘How about you, have you thought of marriage?’ Atma Prakash asked Mohini.
‘When you eat, eat. When you study, study. This was what our guruji told me. That means, now that I am still a student, my focus must be on doing the best I can in my studies, not thinking about marriage.’ Mohini replied.
‘That is very good.’ Atma Prakash said. 
He reached out and took her right hand in his hands. 
He looked into her eyes as if searching for something in the depths of her heart….. and remained looking into her for some time. Then he let go of her hands and closed his eyes as if meditating….

Excerpts from Integral Revolution

Thursday, 7 April 2016

We Are God

Each one of us is a spark of God’s consciousness.  All of us together are God. Christ told us to be as perfect as our heavenly Father is (Matthew 5:48). He at another time most solemnly said: “Whoever believes in me will perform the same works as I do myself, he will perform even greater works (John 14:12). Why would he say these things if we could not be as perfect as God, and if we could not perform the same works he performed? Of course he has also shown the ways to fulfill his promises. In the Psalms of the Old Testament we read: “I say, you are Gods, sons of the Most High, all of you” (Psalm 82: 6). Asked by Jesus for which work the Jews were getting ready to stone him, they replied: “for blasphemy”, for claiming to be God. Jesus told them that their own law said: “You are gods” (John 10: 31-34). Certainly these are difficult scripture passages. In Hinduism we have a very powerful saying: Aham Brahmasmi (I am God). Christ made us his friends. We are sons and daughters of God. In the greatest prayer that Jesus taught we call God Our Father (and Mother). With all these very positive affirmations, why do we hesitate in seeing us as God? Certainly, we are God only as we humans understand it, namely, in an anthropomorphic way.

We come from God; we go to God. That is our destiny. At least that is what we strongly believe. Whether we dissolve in God fully or retain our individuality in some way, we do not know; let God decide that. We are God only to the extent we realize and actualize our God-given Godliness. That is why God-men and women when asked if they are God say: “Yes I am God, so are you; but the difference between you and me is: I know I am, but you don’t”. This awareness, this consciousness, this insight, or enlightenment coming from sadhana (spiritual exercises) and deep union with God and the Universe is all that matters. An enlightened person faces the same powerful temptations or allurements or attractions or seductions as everyone else, but he or she is able to resist them because of his/her awareness of the mission destined for him or her. Being God is a terrible responsibility that cannot be borne by many as awareness of that responsibility comes only in stages after years of rigorous training through sadhana. Actually religions, that are supposed to be about God’s business, should train persons in the ways of God and prepare them for achieving God-status and mystic union with God. As parents cling to their grown-up children instead of letting them lose to be on their own, religions do not let their followers go, and keep them in their strangle-hold through ever-new customs, traditions, and rituals indicative of tight controls. Moreover, religions spend their precious time fighting with other religions about dogmas and doctrines and mere theological speculations that are only objects of belief or faith that God alone knows. They call those, who do not agree with them or toe their line, heretics and schismatics or pantheists worthy only of being ostracized. Holy men and women of all religions do not have time to waste for these fights as they have an urgency about their own role of witnessing to God’s presence and works in today’s world. They have great tolerance to let people be who they are. At least that is what God does with everyone.

In sum, we are all incarnations of God in various degrees. Some present God’s face better than others. We are spirit persons wrapped in our consciousness and awareness, and sheltered in our body-temple. We all have a mission, and that mission is to be an able instrument that unfolds God-happenings. Thus we become God-persons for those who come in contact with us. Our life that shows who we really are can deceive some for some time but cannot deceive all for all the time as a wise man said. When we realize we are God we need not run after God-men and women. So in deep humility and truth, let us celebrate our own God-status.

Swami Snehananda Jyoti 

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Change or Change

"Who moved my cheese", the famous story from Dr. Spencer Johnson has been one of my favourites in the recent times. It is all about changing with times narrated with the help of interesting characters, two small rats and two dwarf humans. The messages of the story are quite well established, "Sense the change early - change with change – accept and enjoy the change - be ready for the next cycle very soon." This book is also being used by corporate leaders as a tool to convince their employees when the organization restructuring happens. So there are actually two types of people, one who are asked to change or one who want others to change. People who are asked to change are also of two types. One who are able to show that they have changed and one who might have changed a bit, but are actually not able to show that they have changed. It is quite obvious that who is able to make change makers happy.

The times have certainly changed. They have always been changing and today is not an exception. Change is bound to create impact on our lives. Choice between taking it as a positive impact or a negative impact is surely ours. Even the toughest nut has a weak spot. We keep hearing stories where people could change things by simple change of attitude. Interestingly these stories are promoted on social media by many such people who themselves are considered by their family and friends as people with attitude problems. "A CEO, I know took twelve days off on the death of his mother who could not give one hour company to his mother when she was alive". This kind of messages are being spread by people who are actually trying to hide their own guilt. You can yourself decide what kind of change is this. When I read my own write-up, sometime I also feel if I am struggling for a change I always needed. Please do not get me wrong. I am not the hero of any of these examples. It is simply that I have been knowing such people whom some times are inspiring and sometimes are those people whom I feel, that whatever I may become, but I should not become like them. Anyway I expressed myself this way, you can also find your own good way to change or at least express a desire to change. Change will surely come. We together can make it a worthy change. Here this 'We' means a 'Self' that goes for a change and a 'Self' that keeps asking whether it is worthwhile to change.

Dr. Sunil Ji Garg

Tuesday, 5 April 2016


President Theodore Roosevelt was very near sighted and always carried two pairs of glasses, one for short sight and the other long.  While speaking in Milwaukee during his last political campaign, he was shot by a man named Shrenk. Roosevelt was hurt, but was able to finish his speech uninterrupted.

 Later while a surgeon was examining his wound, he discovered that the steel spectacle case in his vest pocket had deflected the bullet from hitting his heart. “That is remarkable,” said the President, “I have always considered it a nuisance to carry two pairs of glasses, and especially those thick heavy ones I kept in the metal case. Yet God used it to save my life.”

Stories of this nature abound in history. Nothing happens by chance and everything, - even those that we consider nuisance and burdensome, - has a purpose. And the Divinely intended purpose is always “for the good.”

Indian Thoughts Archives

Monday, 4 April 2016

Accepting the Truth

Being natural, I think, is a great art. A few days back, I happened to come across a few lines sent to me, which said, “Man O Man! When without money, eats vegetables at home; when has money, eats the same vegetables in a fine restaurant. When without money, rides bicycle; when has money rides the same ‘exercise machine’. When without money walks to earn food; when has money, walks to burn fat. When without money, wishes to get married; when has money, wishes to get divorced. When without money, wife becomes secretary; when has money, secretary becomes wife. When without money, acts like a rich man; when has money acts like a poor man.” 
Our behaviour generally is unpredictable. When it comes to success, it is mostly the one who has learnt the art of being natural who wins. They develop their inherent ability to use Nature’s techniques to solve their problems. Hear these people.
"I failed in 8th standard." Sachin Tendulkar.
"During my secondary school, I was dropped from school basketball team." Michell Jordan.
"I was rejected for the job in All India Radio b’coz of my heavy voice." Amitabh Bacchan.
"I used to work in petrol Bunks." Dhirubhai Ambani.
"I was rejected in the interview of Pilot." Abdul Kalam.
"I didn't even complete my university education." Bill Gates.
 "I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training." Lionel Messi.
 "I used to sleep on the floor in friends rooms, returning Coke bottles for food, money, and getting weekly free meals at a local temple." Steve Jobs.
"My teachers used to call me a failure." Tony Blair. 
The one who learns to be natural also masters the art of winning over situations. Accepting that there is a problem means that the problem is half solved.

Joseph Mattappally

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Two Evil Brothers

There were two evil brothers. They were rich, and used their money to keep their ways from the public eye. They even attended the same church, and looked to be perfect Christians.  
Then their pastor retired, and a new one was hired. Not only could he see right through the brothers' deception, but he also spoke well and true, and the church started to swell in numbers. A fund-raising campaign was started to build a new assembly. 
All of a sudden, one of the brothers died. The remaining brother sought out the new pastor the day before the funeral and handed him a check for the amount needed to finish paying for the new building. "I have only one condition," he said. "At his funeral, you must say my brother was a saint." 
The pastor gave his word, and deposited the check. The next day, at the funeral, the pastor did not hold back. 
"He was an evil man," he said. "He cheated on his wife and abused his family. In spite of his external appearance, he was nothing but a white washed sepulcher." 
After going on in this vein for a time, he concluded..... "But compared to his brother, he was a saint."

Indian Thoughts Archives

Friday, 1 April 2016

Love in the Wild

‘I went through most of the books that you had mentioned about. I had also read the books that you had mentioned earlier about Communism, …guruji…. The Communist utopia was the greatest tragedy in human history… More than 10 crores of people killed….It was an eye opener for me….
‘It is surprising to see, how could so many people be fooled for so long!’ Atma Prakash spoke as he walked with the Baba among the tall trees towards the tribal village.
‘A lie told hundred times, becomes a truth’ the Baba said. ‘The Government controls the media and the media keeps propagating all lies…. That is what has been happening under Communism and other forms of dictatorial leaderships’ the Baba added.
A huge lion came charging towards them. Atma Prakash looked at the Baba. The Baba stood there with both hands open as if to embrace the charging lion.
The lion came closer and slowed down. Then it jumped on the Baba. … Both rolled on the ground few times… They seemed to be enjoying the roll. The lion was also licking the face of the Baba! 
The Baba got up. The lion stood close by, rubbing himself on the Baba’s legs..….
‘Good boy….’ The Baba told the lion and patted him on his head…
Then the Baba turned towards Atma Prakash and told the story….
‘When he was young, few years ago, he had a fight with the king of the jungle. He was eager to dethrone the reigning king and become the king himself…. It was a premature ambition…He was fatally wounded... 
‘After a day or so I happened to see him lying in a pool of blood, almost dead. I carried him to the Ashram, treated him. He became fit within a month….. 
‘Few months later, I heard his victory roar. He had conquered the king and had become the king of this jungle… He is ever grateful to me for what I had done for him… 
‘Every time we meet, he shows his love and gratitude. Animals show their love and gratitude in their own unique ways… 
‘The first time he jumped on me, I fell down and got hurt.. I was not prepared for his show of affection. He was sorry…
‘Later he has learnt to slow down before he jumps to embrace me and lick me all over my bearded face…He likes my beard…..I too like his beard.’ The Baba pulled the ‘beard’ of the lion jokingly. 
The lion walked majestically back in the direction from where he had come.

Excerpts from Integral Revolution