Thursday, 2 January 2014

Exit interview

2013 has gently slid away. I believe in the appropriateness of the Universe and it happened to be the turn of Dr Sunil Ji Garg to appear on the New Year dawn, through Indian Thoughts.  What he talked about was on marketing strategies. He wrote, “But in this new age, the phenomenon of marketing has to be used even to establish your point well, even in the context of telling Morals.” He reminds us that we have opted for a dangerous shift in our approach and attitude. On 2nd January, Indian Thoughts came up with a powerful message from Swami (Dr) Snehananda Jyoti, who was a leading clinical psychologist in USA, for a pretty long three decades. He said that he introspected over the goals he had set for the year 2013. I’m glad to see that he is aware of his present status. If both these posts are taken seriously, as the most appropriate messages we are destined to receive, I think that what we most require for 2014 are first an awareness over the changing strategies that might trap us and next a willingness to effectively review over the past year’s activity ledgers. 

I would like to add one more point, the idea of an exit interview. We have heard of many a type of interviews, the latest of the class is exit interview. Exit interview is done between an employer and a departing employee. The idea is to collate useful information on the working conditions of the company and receive proposals for improvement. It is done by companies who consider their employees as assets and regard their knowledge and experience to be of immense help for the future of the company. An overall review over the utility of exit interviews has proved its worth. To all those who are consciously intending to make a thrilling move in this New Year, I suggest an exit interview with all those with whom you were associated with in 2013. Ask them how was their experiences with you. You will definitely learn cost free, the areas where you lost and the dimensions where you need to invest more. Let us make the New Year more promising. 

Joseph Mattappally

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