Mr Anil Ambani used to be a member of the UP development council during a particular regime. This was the highest body responsible for taking important development decisions in the state. Many well-known persons in the fields of industry, banking, media and commerce were members of this body. The council used to meet at various places and senior officers of various development departments were also invited to attend these meetings.
At one such meeting held in Delhi, I was also present as a special invitee. At that time, I was posted as the Principal Secretary of the medical and health department. The meeting was held in the Ashoka hotel and went very well. After the meeting, we all were invited to join the buffet lunch, which was arranged quite lavishly. I normally take a light lunch but the menu being quite rich, I had no option but to take what was served by the hotel.
Soon after I started my lunch sitting on a side table, I noticed Anil Ambani also coming to the same table and occupying a seat. He had not taken his lunch but immediately, a battery of bearers along with their boss approached him to seek orders. To this, his response was very interesting. He refused to accept any item already served. Instead, he ordered for two pieces of idly along with some sambhar. Of course, it was promptly served to him and that was all he had for lunch. While his simple lunch created some envy in me as I had missed this opportunity, it also made me contemplate on the matter. Most of us feel that the goal of life is to increase our consumption level and we feel envious of those who are wealthy. But wealth does not necessarily mean that our consumption will also go up. Our basic needs remain the same and if they are comfortably met, that should be reason enough for our happiness. Any acquisition beyond need becomes a burden if it is not shared with others or utilised for a higher cause. All those who acquire wealth, position, fame, etc., can remain happy only when they use such acquisitions for others.
It is even more true in the case of food. Hazrat Mohammad Sahab used to say that food should be taken only when one is very hungry and only half the stomach should be filled. If one does so, he will always be healthy. A well-known naturopath of India says the same thing in other words. According to him, half the food we take keeps us alive and the other half keeps the doctors alive. If one follows this advice, he himself remains happy and lets others also be happy. Anil Ambani’s lunch proved this fact amply and also revealed the secret of his good health and mind.
Rakesh Mittal I A S
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