Thursday, 27 March 2014

Be Polite

In today’s modern world, one has to deal with all kinds of people with different temperaments. Politeness helps us to communicate better and a person who can get along well with others is successful in life. Maintaining proper etiquette and speaking properly to a person without offending him or her is politeness. One must not be rude or offensive and must use proper words to convey something as foul language can put off a person. Being polite is all about being considerate and appreciative. A rude person can make the people around him feel offended, unwelcome, uncomfortable or even hurt. You should try to be gentle and honest without being forceful or insistent. 

Treat everyone the same way, even if you are not fond of them and always be courteous. A charming, polite person makes another person feel good. Keep this in mind and be considerate of other people’s needs and opinions. Ensure that you do not make derogatory remarks towards any kind of ethnic, political or religious groups under any circumstances.

Tailor your behaviour to the occasion. Different settings require different standards of formality. A work related dinner, a wedding, a holiday gathering and a funeral will all demand a different tone.

Remember to say please and thank you and be graceful and elegant. Try not to interrupt people when they are talking to someone else or in the middle of something. World over much business, trade transactions and diplomatic ties are carried out. Such dealings require a person to be polite to build up friendly ties.

Practice politeness and you will feel the difference. You will be more popular, likeable and people will be friendlier towards you. You will develop an attractive personality and will have less chances of developing enemies. Others will be impressed by the manner you conduct yourself and will reach out to you. Differences will be settled easily and you will feel that politeness indeed pays off in many ways.

Dr(Mrs) Archana Bharat

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