Thursday, 10 April 2014

Educate Someone

It is known to everyone that education helps a person to make well informed decisions in life and also to establish a moral code and a sense of responsibility right from childhood.

Imparting education is a very noble cause. As a teacher, you play a key role in the social as well as intellectual development of your students. You should have a positive attitude so that you may teach your students how to maintain a positive attitude in life. A teacher should also have flexibility, consistency, discipline, sense of humour and an unbiased attitude to be able to impart good education. A person who is not a teacher can contribute towards the education of a poor student who needs financial assistance. Education is the foundation upon which people can begin to improve themselves and their communities. Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders and educating them shall have a positive impact on their futures. All children have the right to quality education regardless of their economic background. All children have dreams and the innate desire to realize their dreams.

A person who gets good education will become a more dependable worker, a better citizen and would be rated higher than an uneducated person. Learning enables an individual to put his potentials to optimal use. Without education, the training of human minds is incomplete. Education makes man a right thinker and correct decision maker. It achieves this by bringing him knowledge from the external world, teaching him to reason and acquainting him with past history, so that he may be a better judge of the present. Without education a person is seemingly shut up in a windowless room whereas with education, he finds himself in a room with all its windows open to the outside world. The more educated some one is, the more knowledge one obtains on different subjects. 

We all should pledge to educate as many children as we can and contribute to the betterment of our society and country as good education is the backbone of every individual life.

Dr (Mrs) Archana Bharat

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