Every year, millions of trees are cut down to make paper for our use. It seems a shame that so many trees give their lives to serve as paper for humans. That’s why it is so important to save paper whenever possible. Saving paper in school is a good way to help save the environment. Schools are an excellent place to take steps to help save our natural resources, as it often will bring in the passion of students, the support of teachers, staff and community.
Some simple steps can help save a lot of paper. Use computers whenever possible. You can e-mail your paper messages, notes and articles rather than print it out. Take notes on a laptop rather than in a notebook.
Buy and use recycled paper whenever possible. Recycled paper as opposed to virgin paper saves a lot of energy. If you have paper you don’t need any more, take it to a recycling centre. Sell your old news papers to a scrap dealer who can re-use them.
Use both sides of notebook paper. Avoid leaving white space as much as you can. Don’t waste paper in making planes, throwing paper balls on your classmates or passing notes. Re-use used computer paper by taking notes on the blank side. Write small, but legible so that paper will last longer. Educate students on ways to conserve and re-use paper and posters. Form student environment clubs to help make the school community more ecology savvy. Reduce paper waste in the cafeteria lobby and use hand dryers instead of paper towels.
Help the teachers sort paper to re-use. Don’t write on random pieces of paper to remember things. Use a ‘sticky note’ programme on your laptop. Don’t use the stapled notebooks as after more than half of it is used, you can’t rip any empty sheet, without ripping out a written one too. Consider using a spiral notebook instead.
Avoid printed envelope labels and print directly on to the envelope. Send documents via an e-mail or e-fax.
The pulp and paper industry is the third largest consumer of energy so don’t print information you don’t need. Think green and save the environment while saving yourself some money by using less paper.
Dr (Mrs) Archana Bharat
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