Thursday, 28 August 2014

Give Encouragement

Many of the greatest achievements begin with the empowering words of encouragement. When someone is feeling insecure, unsure or apprehensive about taking constructive action or pursuing favourable opportunities, you should convey to them that you believe that they are capable and that their efforts are worthwhile. Everyone has times when they could use some support or motivation from others. There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.

Look for someone you know who has been disappointed or is going through a tough moment in life. Showing an interest in them can be very encouraging even if there may not be anything you can do to improve or fix their situation. If someone dear to you is putting in a great effort or doing a great job, you just have to take notice and show an interest. Your encouragement will reinforce the actions of that individual and may give him the strength to do even greater things in future. Encouragement can do wonders for students who wish to achieve in class.

In addition to encouraging someone through a personal conversation, hand written notes are also a great way to encourage someone. Keep the note positive and do not criticize in anyway. The note should genuinely express your true feelings. Encouragement is most effective when you say things that you really mean. Undue flattery may produce unrealistic expectations and ultimately cause more harm than good. Honestly expressing your desire for the person to succeed can help motivate them to take action. You should indicate confidence in their abilities and focus on what can be accomplished.

When someone you care about, has a stressful situation, tell them that it will be okay. Knowing that someone believes in them can help someone overcome the obstacles in their life. If you see someone faltering or thinking negatively about something, give them something positive to think about instead. By changing their attitude from negative to positive, you will enable them to think positively about other things as well.

Always be willing to share a smile. When times are hard, the toughest thing to do is smile. By sharing your smile, you are helping them to overcome the negative feelings and probably they will smile in return. You can encourage people by giving them a hug or helping them with something. It can keep them from falling into depression and put a bright smile on their face.

Dr(Mrs) Archana Bharat

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