Monday, 6 October 2014

Emerging Wizards

A few months back, a friend of mine narrated a situation exactly as his company head shared it with him. He said that the CEO, who is very interested in promoting new entrepreneurs, one day received a mail requesting him to preside over a technical session in an Engineering College. The person who sent the mail also requested the CEO to give a motivating talk during the occasion. Our CEO, though a very busy person, asked his Secretary to follow it up, first asking him to know which engineering College the writer represents. The Secretary did as he was told and he received the reply clearly mentioning the name of the College, along with a ref. link to their website for details. The Secretary again wrote them asking about the proposed date and venue. It also was promptly replied showing the date and time. Even then the College man did not say a word about the nature of listeners, other guests and what programme it is. There could be readers who open with a slow smile, reflecting on the poor communication skill of the concerned College representative who has not yet introduced himself. Anyway, we have to admit that this is not an isolated case.

A few years back, another friend of mine Mr James (name changed), a company head, had shared with me a similar interesting story. At that time his company needed some smart executives and an interview was held. The Interview Board could successfully spot enough qualified candidates. The Board could not hide its excitement for having seen an extra smart applicant by name Ms Ritto Ditto (name changed), who could win the Board with her solemn manners, excellent communication skills and deep technical expertise. However it took a week for the company to finally draft the list of selected candidates. My friend was about to sign the proposal and it was then that he received a phone forwarded from the office. “Are you Mr. James?” He heard a female voice from the other end. It sounded like an Officer calling an attendant. Knowing not who it is, James quickly answered, “Speaking.” “Mr James, I’m Ritto Ditto who had appeared for an interview in your company. I would like to know if you have shortlisted the names.” The voice stopped; breathless was Mr James. “I will let you know right today.” He replied and cut the phone. The first thing he did was taking the list of selected candidates and removing the name of Miss. Ritto Ditto. I suggest that we tell the new generation guys, ’honours without manners make no sense’.

Joseph Mattappally

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