Tuesday, 16 December 2014

The Funny Dream

This time I don’t want to surprise you in the end that this was a dream. From the very beginning I am telling you that this was indeed a dream. I was being carried to the heavens on a buffalo by the “Doot” of death God ‘Yamraj’. The journey had just started. The ride was quite wobbly. Very soon I fell down. Surprisingly even a bad fall like this could not wake me up from my dream. The “Doot” shouted on me first and then started murmuring to himself. I carefully listened to his self talks. I could understand that he was sulking. He was saying that his master has not made proper arrangements to carry a fat person like me. His buffalo is old. He had demanded to get a “Howdah” made for the buffalo’s back. But nobody listened to his genuine demands. In his anger, the “YamDoot” left me there itself and vanished away. 

So I woke up the same way as I get up every day. Even without falling from the bed, I remembered the dream to share it word by word with you. The fun of the story was soon over, when I decided to analyse this dream. I thought why such characters are coming in my dreams. Do I see lot of sulking people around me or is it something fishy inside my own personality. Was it a lesson to me from the creator’s side? After the analysis the message was loud and clear. Dreams do help us to find the darker side of our own personality. It is up to us to listen to them and take a corrective action, or we can keep finding faults even in our dreams.

Dr. Sunil Ji Garg

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