Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Old God New God

I discuss lot of issues with my social networking friends on a question answer site called Quora. To a question regarding “What is the biggest experiment man ever created”, I wrote my opinion as it is the concept of God and Religion is the biggest experiment man has created. Many people agreed to my opinion. Someone commented that this experiment was done by early man because at that time he lived in caves and trees and he had nothing to fight fear. So he created the concept Today in 21st century also, we continue to revisit this experiment by inventing new icons and symbols. There are many self proclaimed Gods in our times. There are a few who are just about hundred year old. Some of these icons are about four to five hundred year old. Some are two thousand year old. Some are even older. Older an icon, stronger becomes the belief. There are some people who say that hundred year old God cannot be placed in a temple where five thousand year old God is placed. Some claim that God is not something to be placed in a temple.

He is formless. People who believe in formless God, try to explain it, by quoting even a larger set of forms than one can imagine. So the conflicts of Old and New, Formed or Formless, Home owner or Homeless, Explainable or Unexplainable goes on and on. 

As a reader, you might be waiting for my version of God. My version is something, for which I am also experimenting with. My experiment is not over when I see a small seed getting converted to a big tree. It is not over, when some Nostradamus, makes a perfect prediction of a happening to occur on his graveyard. It is not over when a three year old child prodigy shows exceptional talent of recalling the whole set of books. This experiment is likely to continue in the minds of many other people of my generation. I wish I can also create a new icon and create a newer popular God. By God’s grace, this continuity has become my destiny.

Dr. Sunil Ji Garg

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