Views and Words - Dr K S Radhakrishnan
system aims at plurality and co-existence at the levels of both humans and
non-humans. In a sense, it envisages an eco-centric universe, where the centre
of every spacio-temporal manifestation should be at the centre within that
spacio-temporal manifestation and it must be that centre which must be the
governing force of each and every existence. Equality is an essential condition
for pluralism; equality does not mean uniformity. It means uniqueness, identity
and co-existence. Equality does not mean that everyone should get a share which
has been fixed by an external force or authority, and everybody should be able
to get his share as regulated by himself. In such an act of regulation, the
individual should be very careful not to take the maximum but to confine
himself to the minimum. The confinement of one’s minimum is the necessary precondition.
And such a confinement alone will be able to guarantee plurality, equality,
co-existence and freedom.
A free society means a society that
regulates itself just like a free individual means an individual who regulates
himself; so is a free social mechanism. In this sense, freedom means self
regulation. So, the regulated by himself and should regulate himself aspects
should be the necessary tool to be noted in a pluralistic society. Such a society
must be the strength of the world. A strong human being means a person who is
being regulated by himself. Such an act or mechanism of self-regulation, is to
be practiced by every individual, every institution, and every stations and
positions in a society. But unfortunately, the first casualty of the modern
economy or the said to be market economy is the plurality. If we attain the
principles defined by the modern economy, then we have to think of the
annihilation of all the rest for the existence as supreme. In such a society
there cannot be co-existence but only competition and annihilation and a
society that believes in competition and annihilation, cannot guarantee any
sort of freedom. This is the second casualty in the modern economy. Here, the society
can never be free, the individual never can be free, a nation can never be free.
In such a set up it is also not possible to reach the actualization of all they
potentialities of an individual. Naturally, the theory that competition is an
essential condition for growth and development is absolutely nonsensical,
illogical and also draconian in its nature because if we believe that there is
competition, it ultimately ends up in annihilation. Such a society never gives
the opportunity to express itself, to expose one’s own potentialities. So, a
free society is the society that guarantees the actualization of the
potentialities of one and all enjoying enough freedom to provide a set up where
one must be able to actualize the inborn and the acquired talents and
In this sense, Advaita aims at the acquired talents
and potentialities. Take the example of an artist: an artist can never be able
to express himself in a society that is being determined by too many forces. Here,
even the Almighty God may not be able to create an individual with his genuine
talents well actualized. The ethical principles of Advaita and the metaphysical
ideas of Advaita can no doubt be in tune with the philosophy of such an
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