Thursday, 12 April 2012

Show of Trust (MOP72 130412 )

      Message of Mohammed - Justice P K Shamsuddin

      The Meccans ordered its’ forces in rows placing Khalid Ibn Walid on the right and Ikrima Ibn Abu Jahal on the left. They gave the command to Abd Al Ubazza Itlbah. The women were moving back and forth between the lines of fighters backing them and they were led by Hind, wife of Abu Sufyan. Thus both parties were ready for battle. In order to energize their ranks, the Meccans reminded their ranks about their defeat at Badr. Mohammed himself led the army and asked his companions to come forward. Abu Dujanah was a very brave man who had a reddish scarf with which he signaled everybody that he was bent upon fighting until victory or death. When he wrapped his scarf around his head, Mohammed gave him the sword. He started plunging into the rows of enemy fighters. When Mohammed saw this, he said that such behavior will be hated by God except under special circumstances.
      Abu Amir who was the first caught in hostile. He had moved from Medina to Mecca in order to arouse the Meccans to fight Mohammed. He was the slave of Safe Al Awai, who had not participated in the battle of Badr. He came to Uhd with a team of 15 soldiers. Once he claimed that he could persuade his fellow tribesmen, who had embraced Islam to fight with Meccans against Mohammed. To prove this claim he made a call to them and announced his identity. But the tribes men rejected his call and cursed him. Inferiorated at the outcome, he approached Muslim ranks and started to fight. To his left was Ikrimah the son of Abu Jahal who had lost his life at the battle of Badr. Ikrimah with the company of slaves attempted to penetrate into Muslim ranks. The Muslims stoned at them and they withdrew. At this moment a wide war cry was heard and the Muslims pushed into the Meccan ranks. It was then that Talba Ibn Abu Thalaha, carrier of the Meccan ranks rushed forward. Ali Ibn Abuthali came forward to fight with him. The encounter came to an end as Abuthali wounded him fatally at one stroke. Mohammed and his companions advanced forward. A lot of Meccans were killed. A woman in disguise also was found in the Meccan rows. The Meccan forces advanced ferociously and severe fight began. They were improportionally balanced. The larger army depended on their might and the smaller trusted in God.

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