Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Autocracy is a Sin 6

Blooming Stars - Swami (Dr) Snehanand Jyoti 

It may be time for Pope Benedict XVI to resign if he is not mentally and physically fit so that his cronies will not be able to run the Church in his name in his feeble days. There is nothing wrong in a Pope resigning. Popes in the past have resigned. There is nothing theological or spiritual about a Pope governing the Church for life. It may be one of the best services to pave way for others especially since he has spent almost all his life for his Church. It is time that we get rid of bad precedence and traditions. It is time for accepting the reality of old age and the problems associated with it. A Pope is no exception to the human condition related to old age. It is the right time to begin the process of electing the new Pope and his council, after the present Pope’s resignation, by clergy and laity elected from the various dioceses of the world. This way the rumor mill of the world speculating about the health of the old Pope and speculations about the new Pope can be put out of business.

Grace is built on nature. Good, sound, and effective managerial practices from the secular world can be adopted to govern the greatest spiritual organization that is the Catholic Church in the world. If it is not a spiritual organization, it has no business to continue to exist. Its leaders need to be truly time-tested spiritual persons imbued with Christ’s spirit. They need to be ready and willing to be guided by the Holy Spirit. On occasion one wonders if the Church leaders at present are not, unwittingly, trying to micro-manage the workings of the Holy Spirit! The new Pope as a nominal spiritual head of the Catholic Church and his council can give general guidelines for the Church members to form their conscience and live a life according to Christ’s teachings. This system of minimal governance can only enhance the stature of the Catholic Church instead of diminishing it. The mechanics of the elections and a minimum program on spirituality and formation of clergy and laity can be left to the Third Vatican Council.  All, especially theologians, spiritual guides, and reform-minded Catholics can offer suggestions with regard to the New Catholic Church that will make every effort to work for unity of Christianity, cooperation with other religions, and, above all, unity of humanity that is in the image of God. While the chief Church center can be in the Vatican City, there can be four sub-centers in the four corners of the world. The Catholic Church, universal as it is, is ideally equipped to help model and create without interference a secular, democratic world government that will express a political unity of humanity. (To be Continued).

Swami (Dr) Snehananda Jyoti

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