Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Yes or No

The current world is undergoing a thorough transition from Analog to Digital which began at the tail end of the previous millennium. Digital approach is marked by two basic states of ‘Yes’ or ‘no’. In digital, there is nothing called uncertainty, adjustment or compromise. I’m of the opinion that this is only revisiting of the old ‘do ‘or ‘die’ approach. Looking from this angle, Gita is digital, so is the Bible, so is the Quran. No Scriptural verse carries multiple meanings to choose from. At one time, if there were people who contained the spirit of Holy Scriptures and lived uncompromisingly religious, the legs of present day religionists are on two boats –digital and analogue. They know that diluting the Scriptures in various measures is essential for their interests. The non-religious segment of the world of bytes is distinctively digital, they do not at all compromise anywhere. They know only Yes or no, right or wrong and good or bad. 

The digital world is rational and is classifying everything into two opposites as mentioned above. But the religious sector is busy adding uncertainties every where every time. We cannot but forget that there exists a tiny digital faction within it which was always considered misfits, crazy or trouble makers. The only thing the word could not do with them was ‘ignore them’, because they were the people who changed the world; they were the people who truly shared the narrow paths to heaven. A fantastic sentence written on every Japanese bus stop says, ‘only buses will stop here – not your time’. If you are religious, decide to be a misfit by offering hundred percent every time. 

Joseph Mattappally

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