Similarly a confrontation was hosted between Banu Llail.
Muslims came out successful in that confrontation. Mohammed sent another
delegation of fifteen persons to Bathu Balsa. There also all the members of the
delegation except the head was murdered. Apart from these incidents the atmosphere
was calm. The Governor of Yemen embraced Islam. Mohammed then started planning
to take Islam throughout Arabian sub continent. Mohammed returned to Medina and
started preparation to lead an army to Mutha. Some historians say that the
reason for such an event was to revenge those who murdered cheating Mohammed’s
companions at Dathu Bahal. Some others say that Mohammed had sent messenger to
the Governor of Hirocleus at Bazra. An uncultured Arab murdered him in the name
of Hirocleus and it was to teach a lesson to the Governor and his companions
the attack was planned. Accordingly an army of two thousand soldiers under the
command of Zain Ibn Harin was send to Muhtha. Mohammed instructed Jafr Ibn Abu Talib should
take up the command if anything happens to Zaid and in case anything happens to
Jaffer, Abdullha Ibn Rauda would take up the leadership. Khalid Ibn Walid also
joined the army as a voluntary soldier. Mohammed also accompanied them to the
boundary of Medina. He gave instructions to them that they should not kill any
women or children or aged people or destroy the buildings and also cut the
trees. Mohammed and his companions prayed for the army.
The enemies had previous information about the attack.
Shurateal the Syrian commissioner for Arabs organized the tribes nearby and
sent a messenger to Hirocleus requesting him to assist him by sending an army
of Greek and Arab soldiers. Some historians report that thereupon Hirocleus
himself lead the army consisting of one lakh Bysantian soldiers towards Mayabin
and another lakh of soldiers frm Laqam, Judan, Qain and Dhara. Other historians
report that it was not Hirocleus but his appointee who lead the army. The
Muslim army which camped at Man Anman got information about the size of the
army. They had not sensed such a size of army of before. They spent the night
pondering over what they should do. One among them suggested that they should
write to Mohammed about the size of the army and Mohammed might send some more
soldiers to strengthen their position or he would suggest what they should do
under such circumstances. This
suggestion was found favourable to most of them. It was at that juncture that
Abdullah Ibn Rowha came forward. He was a poet and a very bold person. He
started to speak, “Oh people, whom we are afraid. We have come here to become martyrs.
We Muslims fight not on the strength of number of the army or material resources;
we are fighting on the strength of religion which was gift of God. Therefore,
you move forward. We shall win or become martyrs.” This appealed to them and
they said, “By God, the words of Ibn Rowhah are right. They moved forward and
they stood face to face with the Byssantian soldiers at Gorish village.
Justice P K Shamsuddin
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