However, if Byssantians made an attack through the Border States there was the possibility of the rulers helping them. Therefore Mohammed sent Khalid Bin Walid along with five hundred horsemen to Dhuma and Mohammed returned to Medina with the rest of the army. The ruler of Dhuma had gone with his brother for hunting. Taking note of this opportunity, Khalid attacked Dhuma. There was no serious resistance. He captured the ruler Ukaid, imprisoned him and asked him to open the gates of the city. In the meanwhile, Mohammed sent a message to Yohannan Bin Ria who was an important ruler of Aila, a border native state, asking him to surrender or face the war. On receipt of the message Yohannan came to Mohammed and proclaimed his loyalty to Mohammed and entered into a treaty with him. Similarly the natives of Jabral and Udurib also made valuable presence and entered into treaties with Mohammed.
As directed by Khalid Bin Walid, the city gates of Dhuma was opened. He took out into custody 100 captives, 800 camels and 400 bags of wheat and went to Medina along with the captive Ubaydir. He embraced Islam in the presence of Mohammed. The treaties entered with the ruler of Aila and the nearby states ensured the protection of the borders of the Arabia peninsula from the attack of Byssantians. However, the army did not properly understand the importance and the significance of these treaties they entered. They felt, after crossing the desert, undergoing many hurdles and making sacrifices that they did not make any gain. As the result of the peace treaties, they could not collect any booties or material gains from the people who surrendered and proclaimed loyalty. Therefore, some of them evaluated this venture as a misadventure. This information reached Mohammed. Mohammed handled the situation and took the army into Medina. Then Khalid Bin Walid reached Mecca along with the cattles, corns and Ukaidir. Ukkaidir had worn coats woven wit golden thread and the people of Medina was wonderstruck at the site of Ukkaidir with this sort of pomp and glamour.
Those who failed to join the army were feeling tension and as those who criticized the venture were conscious of the mistake they made. They approached Mohammed and tried to explain the reason for their conduct, which was not really genuine. Three of them confessed their mistakes and proved their loyalty. They were Kabba Ibn Malik, Munavar Ibin Rabbik and Halak Ibn Ubbayya.
Justice P K Shamsuddin
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