While I often used to describe the full form of the word GOD as Give Out Distrust to the people who always questioned the concept of GOD, I tried to search the internet to understand how this word originated. Lots of theories came across me, including that which claims it to be of Aryan origin. I also found expansions like Gathering Of Deities, Get Out of Doubt and Giver Of Desires. Somehow I was not convinced. I decided to work out an expansion on a piece of paper whole day, till I got something which electrified a thousand watt bulb in my mind. The final one which I got, not only illuminated my mind, but it gave me as much inner satisfaction as I get when I talk to myself calmly. The expansion I got is the title of this article, I write it here again in a different form as:
GOD Gives, GOD Owns, GOD Destroys.
The word "Gives" explains the attribute which we relate to GOD, i.e., the power of creation. In Indian system we call it as Brahma. The word "Owns" relates to continuity we have while owning something. During the phase of running this world it is actually GOD who owns, not we. This is quite similar to the icon whom we give the name Vishnu. And finally the word "Destroys" explains the end of lifecycle of anything so that it can be created afresh. You guessed it right; I am now talking about God of destruction, Mahesh. This is true that it is a simple alphabet jugglery to just prove a point for the sake of it. But what is so exciting is that this provides with a good memory mnemonic to understand the power of nature so well.
As a science enthusiast, I am surprised that out of these three important aspects, the concept of "how this world runs" is understood only a little bit till date. The concept of "How this world was created" and "How this world would be destroyed" is yet unknown. The recent discovery of Higgs Boson, that we nicely call as "GOD particle" is just a small beginning to venture into the world of unknowns.
Dr. Sunil Ji Garg
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