Tuesday, 15 October 2013


It is a foolish bird that defiles it own nest.

Prudence is the knowledge of what is to be sought and avoided. Prudence is a virtue of maturity. It grasps the meaning and direction of life and accordingly, leads to the full realization of the human potential. A prudent person profits from personal experience, a wise one from the experience of others. Prudence exercises a certain degree of caution, but it does not prevent one from acting spontaneously or from taking risks. Prudence prevents one from being carried away by sudden emotions and impulses which would lead to harmful self-expression. However formed by past experiences, prudence is able to project the likelihood of success in special forms of self-activation. A soul without watchfulness is like a city without walls, exposed to the inroads of all its enemies.

It is great wisdom not to be rash in our doings, nor to maintain too obstinately our own opinion. Can a man control his future?  What we do today determines how the world shall go, for tomorrow is made up of the sum total of today’s experiences. No one knows what the formula is, nor how slight a change may reshape the pattern to our heart’s desire. Far from feeling hopeless or helpless, we must seize every opportunity, however small, to help the world around us toward peace, productivity and human brotherhood. Do not diminish your strength and talents by imprudence or neglect. Strive rather to develop these in yourself with good educational methods.

 The Persian poet Saadi went to a rich man for a loan of money. 

“How is it,” Mocked the rich man, “that the wise knock at the door of the rich, while the rich never knock at the door of the wise?”

“It is very simple,” answered the poet, “The wise know the path to wealth, but the rich do not know the path to wisdom.”

Never neglect the opportunity of keeping your mouth shut.

Sr.(Dr) Lilly Thokkanattu SJL

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