HAH 103 041113 Non - attachment 8
The Yoga of Non-attachment is foundational, and it is the third point of the triangle, the basic point of life which arise the other two points of triangle. The two other points are action through inaction and inaction through action. One can be called Sannyas- inaction and the other can be called action without the desire for results. Desire less action means action through inaction. If we do something without motive, without a sense of compulsion to do it and without desire for successful results, it is desire less action. If what we do is undone or it does not bear fruits and we accept it without regrets or pain, it is desire less action.
I would like to go in depth into this point. Desire-less action is Sannyas if a Sannyasin has a sense of involvement and responsibility even in inaction, when he is not doing a thing. It will be a little difficult to understand: a sense of involvement in inaction, when one is not doing a thing. For example, there is a Sannyasin who does nothing, knows that he is party to whatever is happening around the earth just because he is part of the universal life. He has to be utterly responsible for all that mankind does or does not do. He is also aware that whatever he does or does not do – even his inaction – is going to be of great consequence. If two religious groups or parties are fighting somewhere and I silently escaped from the scene of riot, I cannot say that I had nothing to do with it. I could have done something to avert the riot, but I did not. My abstention from action in this case was action enough, and I should hold myself responsible for not averting the bloodshed.
What is generally taken to be Sannyas is not real Sannyas, it is simple aversion. The Sannyas of Krishna’s concept is much different and difficult affair. Krishna’s Sannyas is exactly the state of a non-attached person. He lives with this awareness, that he fully responsible for his inaction- which is action through inaction- just because he exists as a part of cosmic-consciousness. He knows that ultimately all consciousness is united and one.
We all have seen waves in ocean. Waves seem to be constantly moving towards the shore. But many among us will be surprised to know that they never move to the shore, they are virtually stationary.
More detailed analysis unfolds in the coming weeks …
Dr. Dwarakanath,
Director, Mitran foundation- the stress management people
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