Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Wait Loss

Wait Loss No, I did not spell it wrongly. Yes, you pronounced it correctly. The power to wait is almost lost in some people of this generation. People of my father's age wanted to have their own home at the age of fifty five. People of my age wanted it at the age of forty and the new age people want it at the age of twenty five. Now, people are ready to take any amount of loan for all kinds of desires. Everyone wants to enjoy the physical wealth for as long as they can. The term “patience” is a matter of gyan which elderly people provide to release their frustration. This is what is believed by some young people today.

No, my readers! I just now did not have any heated arguments with my son. Actually I am lucky to have one who doesn't fight with me on these issues. So, the reason I am writing this is because I have been observing and it is my personal experience that success comes either by accident or by patience. The success that comes by accident is short lived and the one which comes by patience is usually much more satisfying and it remains for long.

But remember! Patience is not another name for laziness. It is what Columbus had shown while on his way to India and then finding America. It is what Helen Keller had shown by repeated efforts of learning even after her disabilities. It is what Mother Teresa had shown while treating the dying destitute. Yes! these are names of people who made history. What is patience in a common person? We see it in a mother who patiently waits for her child to grow-up gradually. We see it in a teacher who waits for his pupil to understand the lesson and use it in life to prosper. We see it in some people in the society who want the systems to change for the better.

So readers! Gain wait to gain Happiness.

Dr. Sunil Ji Garg

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