Sunday, 13 July 2014

Krishna on Bondage 13

Many among us believe that there are two forces in this world: one is the force of good or God and the other is the force of evil or Devil. We think if there is evil in this world then it has to be segregated from God, who represents goodness and goodness alone. So we have to find a separate place for devil, and we assigned an independent role to him. Krishna strongly contends this assumption. He asks: if there is evil and it is separate, is it so with the consent of God or without? Does evil, in order to be, need the support of God or not? If there is independent authority call devil, it means a parallel to the authority of God. Then there are two independent sovereign authorities in the universe. Then there is no question of good or ever winning over evil or evil being defeated by good. 

Krishna rejects this concept outright. He says there is only one sovereign force, one primal energy in the universe, and everything is arises from this single primeval source. It is the same energy that brings forth a healthy fruit and the diseased fruit on the branches of a tree. It is not necessary have a separate source of energy or power for the two. It is the same mind which gives rise to both good and evil, virtue and vice. Both good and evil are different transformation of one and the same energy. Day and light, light and dark are emanations of the same force. Therefore Krishna is against denial, renunciation of any of the dualities. He is all for the acceptance, total acceptance of both, Life, as it is, has to accepted and lived choice-less way and totally. That is what Krishna’s anasakti or non attachment means. 

Krishna’s anasakti does not mean choice of one against the other. It does not mean that we choose to be attached to virtue against vice, or to be attached to vice against virtue. It is neither attachment nor aversion. He stands for surrender to life as it is, and this surrender has to be total. Anasakti means that I am not at all separate. I am one with the whole existence. That is why Krishna is at peace, because he has nothing more to achieve. He is at limitless bliss. For him universe is God, Godly: there is nothing other than God. That is where he is calling us to. 

Krishna’s non attachment is absolute surrender of ego, total cessation of the “I” 

Wishing you good health & happiness,

Dr. Dwarakanath, Director, Mitran foundation- the stress management people

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