Sunday, 20 July 2014

Krishna on Bondage 14

Krishna’s non attachment is absolute surrender of ego, total cessation of the “I”. 

It is just to know that I am not, only God is. And once I know that what is, there no way but to accept it in its totality. Then there is nothing to be done or undone, altered or modified. Krishna sees himself as a wave in the ocean. He has no choice, what so ever. Then the question of aversion or attachment does not arise. If we understand it correctly, Krishna’s anasakti is not a state of mind. It is really a cessation of all states of mind, of mind itself. It is to be one with the whole. Through this royal road of unity with the whole, Krishna arrives exactly where Mahavira, Buddha and Jesus arrive through their paths. 

Travelerson footpath can walk quietly, but one cannot escape the noise and tumult of the multitude if he chooses a highway for the journey. We will have to face the high winds restlessness and uneasiness, which will in long run usher us into peace and quietness. Those who choose to move off the beaten paths can have the joy of being alone and individual, but those on the highways have to share in the pleasures and pains of all others. There is this much difference between the two. 

Krishna is a multi- dimensional, a multi- splendored person, and the highway is his choice. The truth is no one path, and no ready-made path to God. There are as many paths as there are as many people in the world. No two persons are alike, or in the same state of being. So, each one of us will have to begin our journey just where we are and find our way to God all alone. Of course, all roads lead to the same destination, which is one and only one. Whether we follow the path of neutrality or indifference or transcendence or bliss, the goal remains the same. 

While paths and roads are many, the goal is the same. Instead of debating endlessly on what is right path or wrong path, which is a waste of time and energy, we should carefully choose the path that accord with our individuality, our self-nature. 

Here ends the topic on ‘Krishna on Bondage’. Namastey

Wishing you good health & happiness,

Dr. Dwarakanath, Director, Mitran foundation- the stress management people

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