Tuesday 14 April 2015

The Four Letter Words

“One of the few men, who became great, while remaining good.” This is a statement on Abraham Lincoln as presented by Karl Marx. This statement of Marx says that all Great people are not good and it is difficult to be Great while remaining good. Our concepts of people and culture are redefined. What we have now is an iCulture and an iCrowd in which it is more difficult to be great and good at the same time. 

The main feature of the emerging iCrowd is being smart; smart in the sense nobody does anything other than pressing on the screen of their android device. You might laugh at me if I suggest that it could be a few four letter words that create all these problems. A young couple got married and went on a cruise for their honeymoon. When they got back home the bride immediately called her mom, who lived three hours away. 
"Well, darling," said her Mom, "How was your honeymoon?"
"It was wonderful, and so romantic. We had a great time," said the bride, but as soon as we got home he started using really horrible language. Words I have never heard before. Really horrible four-letter words! You've got to come get me...Please."
Then the bride began to sob over the phone. 
"Please, mom come get me!" begged the bride.
"But honey what did he say, what 4-letter words, you have to tell me what's troubling you," said her mom.
Still sobbing the bride said to her mother..."Words like....Dust, Iron, Cook, Wash, Work,!"

Our style of interpretations has changed. I remember the story of a man passing through a small southern town where there was a nativity scene on exhibit that showed great skill and talent had gone into creating it. One small feature bothered the man though.  The three wise men were all wearing fireman's helmets.

Totally unable to come up with a reason or explanation, the man the man asked the lady behind the counter about the helmets.  She yelled at the man, "You damn Yankees never do read the Bible!" The man assured the lady that he read the Bible regularly but simply could not recall anything about firemen in the Bible. She jerked her Bible from behind the counter and ruffled through some pages and finally jabbed her finger on the passage.  Sticking it into the man's face she said, "See, it says right here, the three wise men came from afar!"

Joseph Mattappally

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