There’s a story about a tenant farmer who worked hard for many years to improve the production of the land. Then something happened that caused him to become very bitter. When it was time to renew the lease, the owner told him that he was going to sell the farm to his son, who was getting married. The tenant farmer made several generous offers to buy the farm for himself, hoping that the owner’s decision would be changed. But it was all in vain.
As the day drew near for the tenant to vacate his home, his weeks of angry brooding finally got the best of him. He gathered seeds from some of the most pesky and noxious weeds he could find. Then he spent many hours scattering them on the fertile soil of the farm, along with a lot of trash and stones.
To his dismay, the very next morning the owner informed him that the plans for his son’s wedding fell through¸ therefore, he’d be happy to renew the tenant’s lease. The owner couldn’t understand why the tenant exclaimed in such agonizing tones, “Oh, Lord, what a fool I’ve been!”
Hatred and revenge are very much like the mythical vampire, which first sucks out the life blood of the host. Their host is the their first and worst victim.
Indian Thoughts Archives
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