Democracy is in trouble. Democracy and Unity of Humanity received serious blows in UK and USA in 2016. The referendum in UK to pull out (Brexit) of the European Union on the basis of narrow national interests does not bode well for unity of humanity and the advance of true democracy. Even though full-fledged democracy is incompatible with constitutional monarchy in UK, the citizens of that country have the power to abolish monarchy through referendum or electoral vote when they choose. The election of Trump as president of the USA poses many questions. His utter disregard for truth, his disrespect for women, minorities, and the handicapped, his lack of civil discourse with his opponents, and his war with the press (media) are of serious concern. USA, the oldest democracy, survived a civil war (1861-1865) and prolonged civil rights struggles and fights in the 1960’s. The political grid-lock that on occasions paralyzed the US government during the last 6 years of Obama administration needs to be also taken note of seriously.
Trump stated that his Tower in New York had 68 stories while it had only 58. He justified the lie calling it a “truthful hyperbole”. He both defends and praises “truthful hyperbole” in the Art of the Deal, the phenomenally successful book his ghostwriter wrote for him, “as an innocent form of exaggeration and a very effective form of promotion”. The ghostwriter, Tony Schwarts, regretted writing the book and felt “deep remorse” saying “I put a lipstick on a pig” as Trump took credit for writing the book. Schwats said: “If he (Trump) could lie on that, he is likely to lie about anything.” As a promoter Trump is reported to have made extensive use of truthful hyperbole as an effective technique. In 1973 US Justice Department charged Trump of violating Fair Housing Act by denying access to African Americans. His mentor, Roy Cohn, was charged for professional misconduct three times by Federal Investigations during the 1970’s and 1980’s In 1986 Cohn was disbarred by a five judge panel of the New York Supreme Court for unethical and unprofessional misconduct. Interestingly Cohn also was the chief counsel for discredited senator Joseph McCarthy who created horror for many innocent citizens during his senate hearings and communist witch-hunt in the 1950’s. Trump when asked before the elections if he would accept the election results, he did not answer since he openly talked about election fraud. Another person who greatly influenced Trump was Aaron Banks, Godfather of Brexit, who visited Trump’s campaign rallies giving advice on campaign tactics. Banks did not mind playing dirty tricks. He told Trump: “Never apologize, Facts are white noise.” Trump might have thought truthful facts related to the inauguration crowd, mere whit noise. But the media would not let him get away with it.
In India the biggest democracy, that started gloriously at mid-night of August 15, 1947 with a speech of Nehru talking about “India’s tryst with destiny”. What has happened? Democracy has deteriorated into caste and clan politics, political horse-trading and opportunistic political and religious alliances, political dynasties, and finally even into murder politics. Rampant nepotism and corruption are the order of the day.
What is needed for democracy to set it back on the right course? We need civil and respectful discourse, tolerance, election of persons on the basis of their merits and proven qualities to take care of everyone’s needs. Persons of integrity who do not sacrifice truths for their personal gains, vested interests, and propaganda are also of paramount importance.
Brexit and the election of Trump might be temporary roadblocks on humanity’s march to democracy and unity of humanity. The messages that we get from these events can energize us to fight vigorously for the genuine rights of humanity while we wish everyone including Trump and Banks the very best including a chance to repent.
Swami Snehanand Jyoti
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