Blooming Stars - Swami (Dr) Snehananda Jyoti
culture of deception, duplicity, suspicion, equivocation, corruption, and
cover-up seems to have become a way of life in this world of ours. It is not
what one is but what one has, and how one looks that are important. It is not
what one knows but whom one knows that helps to get ahead in life
materially. Appearance has pushed reality
to the back-seat. There are many kinds of cosmetic surgeries and make-ups for
the rich and not so rich to improve one’s look by enhancing or reducing one’s
bust or removing blemishes, creases, wrinkles, or folds. There are creams or washes to darken or
altogether eliminate one’s grey hair to look younger. It is the façade of a building, not the
functionality and the convenience within, that matters. The erosion of the
moral landscape reached its culmination not long after September11, 2001. Our
lies stealthily caught up with us. Nineteen
depraved and deranged men
master-minded by a fanatic criminal mind could not change our culture and our
way of life unless we allowed it. That day especially humanity lost, and
terrorism triumphed in destroying a civilization of trust developed over
millennia, and crowning a paranoid culture already in the making. We allowed
that to happen, and we need to take responsibility for that. We have been
culpably negligent in preparing ourselves spiritually. We need to do some
serious soul-searching and prepare ourselves morally and spiritually for any
crisis. We need to evolve some basic common tenets that we can agree on even as
we come to terms with our differences. A
nation is a group of diverse individuals who are governed by a constitution
that enshrines certain values and goals for that nation. I cannot think of any
constitution that goes against fundamental human rights and moral values.
Absolutely everyone on the globe was negatively affected by the evil
consequences of the horrific events of that day in September 2001 that etched
in our minds. It shows how overreaction, lack of due spiritual reflection and
awareness, and poor leadership can make the difference between a culture of
hope and a culture of despair and doom. We get the spiritual or political leadership
that we deserve. Leaders do not lead as they are led by opinion polls and
surveys of public views. We need to prepare politicians for one term so they
can do a good job for the common good.
the present scenario, a politician may not be re-elected or survive unless
he/she gives what one’s constituency wants. It is not unusual for politicians
to raise funds for their re-election soon after they are elected. A pastor of a
church may not get the approval or promotion if he does not raise certain amount
of money for buildings or other projects. We are at a juncture now where
principles in politics are not valued, and where time-honored values in spirit
life do not matter. In a way we are reaping what we have sowed over the years
neglecting our spirit. When we are not fair and just in dealing with one person
in the world, our behavior is going to have a bad ripple effect on the entire
world. More specifically, we need to admit that we failed to deal with the
large community of Palestinians – no less brothers and sisters than the
neighboring Jews of Israel - fairly and justly. When I visited the land holy to
the Jews, Christians, and Muslims in 1981, and spent about three weeks walking
meditatively in and around places where Jesus spent important years of his
life, I came across Palestinians living in tents from 1948 onwards as sardines
packed in a can. A people that has no hope has no life. The deep despair on the
faces of Palestinian children marring their innocent, spontaneous laughter very
vividly told me the pathetic story of their plight. Their tears cry up to God
for justice. For us to get out of this clean, we need to confess and make just
amends. (to be continued).
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