Friday, 17 August 2012

The Great Reformation in Arabia

Message of Peace - Justice P K Shamsuddin

 Al Zubayr Ibn Dita, another Jew had done a favour to Thabit Ibn Qays, when he left him after capturing hm. Thabit reciprocated this good deed and pleaded Mohammed to grant them pardon which was approved by Mohammed. When this came to the knowledge of Al Zubayr he pleaded that if he were to live in separation from his faily and children he has no use for life. Thabit then requested Mohammed to give similar pardon to his wife and family. Mohammed again granted this. When Zubayr heard of the pardon granted by Mohammed, he enquired about Kab Ibn Ksad, Huyyay Ibn Akhdnu, Asfal Ibn Samawal and other leaders of Bany Quraizah. During the time of Mohammed, the moral standard in Arabia was at the lowest level. Adultery was not considered a serious crime. Flirting and courting were common practices. Abu Sufian was a great leader of the Meccans and he was held at high esteem in the Meccan society. But historians state many things about Abu Sufian’s wife’s love and passion with other men. She was not ashamed to reveal her love affairs which she had with other men. There was no limit to the number of wives that a man could take or the number of women slaves and concubines one can have. This was a decisive blow to the growth of Islam. These immoralities were deeply rooted in their psychic character as described in the poetry of Umar Ibn Abu Radiah. 
Mommed knew that he could do no social reformation without the consent of all men and women who must be helping and sympathizing with one another. In order to make the society viable it was necessary to assure that the women enjoy their rights. Led by the Quranic revelations Mohammed started his social reconstruction; he began to teach men and women their rights and duties. This built the relationship between them strong and firm. Islam wanted its’ women to have the same rights as men given they have their rights and duties to be exercised in an atmosphere of love and compassion.

To read more of Message of Peace -kindly Click here

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