Friday, 24 August 2012

Threats Continue

Message of Peace - Justice P K Shamsuddin

Islam promoted fornication and strictly prohibited all sorts of sexual relationships between men and women who are not bound by marriage. Quran commands, “Don’t approach,” and strongly recommends purity and fidelity in private and life. Mohammed wanted to elevate the community to a higher plane where men enjoin the pleasures of the world without corrosion in their moral fabric and to guide all humanity to a distinct spiritual relationship, irrespective of professions and preoccupations in life. He commanded against all evil doing and strongly recommended a strong relationship between the followers of universal brotherhood. Islam was preparing for a great transformation.  After the encounter with the tribes of Banu Qurayyah, other Jewish tribes were trying to invade Medina and attack Mohammed. In return, Mohammed also kept vigil about any possible attack from them and the Meccans. Somehow, it came to the notice of Mohammed that Banu Lihyah and their allies were marching from a locality near Mecca to Medina. Mohammed then remembered the murder of Khubayh Ibn Adiy and his companion by the tribes of Banu Lihyah two years ago. Mohammed led the Muslim force towards them, turned to Mecca and proceeded to the camping place of the army of Banu Lihyah at Uran. When the matter came to the notice of Banu Lihyah, they took refuge in the heights of the surrounding mountains, gathering with them their cattle and property. Mohammed then returned to Medina.  A few days after Mohammed returned to Medina a group led by Uyyaynah Ibn Hisn raided the out outskirts of Medina. He seized the camel found in the area, killed a shepherd and took away his wife. Salman Ibn Amr happened to go that way to the forest with bows and arrows. He followed the raiders after them and called for help. Mohammed heard the call and alerted the people of Medina and the Muslims. As a result of this men came out from every direction. Mohammed ordered them to pursue the raiders; he also moved with another force until he arrived at the mountain of Dhuqarad Uyyaanah. The looters and their companions rushed to the tribes where they could find protection. But the Muslim cavalry overtook them seized the stolen animals and released the shepherd’s wife. The Muslims returned to Medina again.    

To read more of Message of Peace -kindly Click here

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