Health and Happiness
To understand Gita, let us understand Krishna.
understand Raasleela, the celebration, we must understand the life of Krishna,
a complete miniature of this celebrating universe. Let us raise our eyes and
look at whatever happening all around this vast universe of ours. It is all
celebration, whether it is clouds gliding on heavens or rivers rushing towards
the seas or seeds on their way to becoming flowers and fruits or bees humming
or birds singing on their wings or love between people. It is all panorama of
play and dance and celebration.
has a universal meaning; it has a cosmic connotation and significance. The
meeting of the opposite energies is the corner stone of all creation, of the
universe. Even to construct a house, we place opposite kind of bricks on the
arch to uphold the whole building. The whole play of creation, at every level
of life, begins when energy becomes divided into two opposite parts. Raas, the
dance of celebration, is the most profound attribute of the mighty stream of
creation. And the creation in itself is the interplay of polar opposites-thesis
and antithesis. It epitomizes the everlasting drama of making and unmaking of
universe. It gives us the glimpse of that divine dance and that immense
It is
for this reason Krishna’s Maha Raas ceases to have a sexual connotation. Not
that it prohibits any sexual interpretation, but for certain, sex has been left
far behind. In reality, if we try and understand, Krishna does not dance as
mere Krishna. He represents the gopis (the cow herd girls of mathura), the
whole of male element in creation, known in sanskrit as Purusha. And similarly
the gopis represent the entire female element, prakruti. The maharaas
represents the combined dance of prakriti and purusha. To put it rightly, it is
the dance of the male and female energies, of purusha and prakruti. It
represents the mighty cosmic dance. Here, the dance is chosen as the medium.
The medium of dance comes nearest to the mysterious, to the non dual, and to
celebration. Nothing can express better than dance to laymen or to scholars
alike. Dance is the most primitive form of gesture, language came much later.
Dance, the gestures reaches the human mind deeper than any word can ever reach.
Dance is more articulate than anything else. Man’s collective consciousness is
well aware of this language, dance.
we know as love between man and woman is nothing but the flow of yin and yang
together. This love, if it is not personalized, can have great spiritual
significance. The dance will continue . . .
Wishing you all good health and happiness,
Dr. Dwarakanath,
Director, MITRAN foundation- the stress management people.
Director, MITRAN foundation- the stress management people.
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