Thursday, 22 November 2012

One Sided treaty

Mohammed thought of sending Umar Ibn Khatab to Mecca as messenger of Mohammed. Umar brought to the notice of Mohammed that in the present circumstances, it is better to send his son-in-law Usman Ibn Asham. Usman left for Mecca and on the way he met Aban Ibn Saeed. Aban promised to give him protection till his mission was over. Usman met the leaders of Qureshi and informed of his mission. They responded that if Usman wanted to circumbulate, he could do so. Usman replied that he would not do it until other Muslims also are allowed to do so. He also said that Muslims have come along only to perform their religious rite and they would return in peace thereafter. The Meccans said that they have already taken a decision that they would not permit Mohammed and his companions to enter Mecca and in the given circumstances they could not allow them to enter Mecca that year. The negotiation of Usman went on for some days and the Muslims started to feel suspicion on the safety of Usman. They thought that he must have been murdered by the Qureshi. Therefore they started preparations for a war. Mohammed said that Usman is not murdered and after sometime Usman himself appeared before Mohammed. Usman informed Mohammed about the response of Quareshi. He said that in view of the decision they have taken by the Meccans, they will not permit the entry of Muslims to Mecca this year. Further, they thought that if they permited the Muslims that year it will be counted as a great defeat for the Meccans. 

Negotiations continued. Meccans sent Suhail Ibn Amr for negotiations with Mohammed. Suhail was very adamant. Ultimately it was agreed that the Muslims must return to Medina that year, without entering Mecca that the next year they would be permitted to visit Kaba and perform religious rites. The Muslims were very unhappy about the terms, which was seemingly one sided. Umar even expressed his dissent. Abu Baker interfered and warned him. 
Mohammed called Ali Ibn Abu Talib and started to dictate the terms of the treaty. Mohammed said, “In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful.” Suhail objected and said that he did not know whether God is merciful or gracious and wanted to correct it as in the name of Allah. Mohammed conceded this correction; Mohammed corrected this sentence and said, “This is a treaty between Mohammed the messenger of God and Sohail Ibn Amr.” Again, Suhail raised objection and said, “If we Meccans admitted Mohammed as messenger, there was no need for this exercise,” and asked to correct it to Mohammed son of Abdulla. That also was conceded by Mohammed.

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