Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time. When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other says Mother Teresa. Order and beauty go together. The fair flower of peace does not grow among the weeds of an ill-regulated life. The radiance of a deep inner serenity is the product of disciplining both in the heart and in outward affairs. He who is united with the divine will, enjoys even in this life, a perpetual peace.
Every leader in the world aims to find a lasting solution to the problems that beset our planet, but so far, peace on earth has continued to be an elusive dream. There are many movements, organisations and fraternities all over the world that promotes the idea of world peace. Why is the world peace so difficult to achieve? Perhaps the answer lies within our self. What have we done to make the world a better place to live in? How have we treated our brothers and sisters and our neighbour? Fulton J Sheen gives psychological suggestion for acquiring peace of soul. Never brag, never talk about yourself, never rush to first seats… never use people for your own advantage, never lord like a symphony orchestra. God is the conductor. When nations turn to Him for direction, there is harmony; but when they turn away, then there is confusion and strife.” it over others as if you were better than they.
Is it possible to achieve world peace? When we start doing good to other people, we can inspire others to do the same. By carrying the good deeds forward, we can multiply the number of people we touch with our goodwill and eventually it will spread and infect others. We cannot expect peace in the world unless we give that in our heart we are prepared to sacrifice. In this holy season of Advent Jesus the Prince of peace is promising us his lasting peace. May we empty ourselves of our complacent attitude and all that destroys our peace to experience this lasting peace promised by the Lord.
Madam Galli-Curci, the famous singer, made this observation, “The world is like a symphony orchestra. God is the conductor. When nations turn to Him for direction, there is harmony; but when they turn away, then there is confusion and strife.”
Sr(Dr) Lilly Thockanattu SJL
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