Friday, 31 May 2013

Emergence of Islam as One Power

Mohammed left Jiran for Mecca in order to perform Umra. After performance of Umra Mohammed appointed Aftab Ibn Muad as Governor of Mecca. For teaching Quran and impart religious instructions, Mohammed appointed Muaad Ibn Jabal. Thereafter Mohammed returned to Medina along with Mohajids.

After the surrender of Mecca and siege of Thaif there was no power in Arabia capable of any confrontation with Mohammed. The victory of Mohammed built a great impact on the Arab tribes. After Mohammed left Thaif, Dubair Ibn Suhair wrote to his brother Kaa Ibn Suhair that it should not be better for him to go to Medina to appear before Mohammed repenting in his rash conduct in making a poem defaming Mohammed or otherwise he will have to go to a far off place for his safety. On receipt of this message Kaa Ibn Suhair went to Mohammed and recited his poem. Mohammed accepted his repentance. Thereafter he lived as a good Muslim. 

The leaders of many tribes began to approach Mohammed declaring their loyalty to Mohammed. The delegation of Thwayy tribe under the leadership of Saibul Quil approached Mohammed. Mohammed received them warmly. They had discussion and Mohammed was pleased with the leader of Saibul tribe and he renamed him as Saidul Qair. The entire tribe embraced Islam in the presence of Mohammed.

Aby Iy Ibn Hathil was a Christian who did not like Mohammed. Finding the impact created among other tribes, after the victory of Mohammed in Mecca and Thaib, he along with family members left for Syria. His sister became a prisoner. When she saw Mohammed she said, “Oh prophet of God, my father died and brother left for Syria and so mercy towards me.” Mohammed traced her father’s details and made a gesture to set her free. Mohammed gave a gift of valuable cloths and some money and sent her to Syria along with the caravan headed to Syria. She joined them and explained to her brother the special charity extended to her by Mohammed. On hearing this he came to Median and embraced Islam in the presence of Mohammed. Similarly many tribes and individuals came to Mohammed and declared their loyalty and embraced Islam. However Mohammed did not have enough peace of mind as his daughter Sainaba fell seriously ill. She had to undergo persecution and torture from Huail and Habbar all the time. She migrated from Mecca to Medina.  At last she fell ill and died. With her death only Fathima was alive among the children of Mohammed. 

Justice P K Shamsuddin

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