The practice of silence is more soothing and healing than most medicines. Pascal, the great scientist, said, “After observing humankind over a long period of years, I came to the conclusion that one of man’s greatest troubles is his inability to be still”. In the silence of our hearts, God speaks and from the fullness of our hearts we speak. There are three kinds of silence. Silence from words is good, because inordinate speaking tends to evil. Silence or rest from desires and passions is still better, because it promotes quietness of spirit. But the best of all is silence from unnecessary and wandering thoughts, because that is essential to internal recollection; and because it lays a foundation for a proper reputation and for silence in other respects. Silence is at the root of our union with God and with one another.
When Thomas Alva Edison received an offer from the Western Union Company for the ticker he had invented, he was undecided what price to ask and requested for a couple of days time to think about it. During that time Edison and his wife talked it over thoroughly, and Mrs. Edison suggested that he ask for eight lakhs. Edison thought it an exorbitant figure, but at the appointed time he returned to the Office prepared to ask for that amount. “Well, now, Mr. Edison, the Official said after he had greeted him. How much do you want? Edison tried to say eight lakhs, but the words stuck in his mouth. He hesitated and stood speechless for quite some time. The official waited restlessly for a while and then impatiently said to Edison,” How about forty five lakhs?”. Clearly it was Edison who benefited from that SILENCE. The Western Union Company lost, because its representative lacked the control to listen to silence.
We tend to say what we want to say without waiting patiently and listening to the person we are dealing with. Listening in silence takes some control. Many of us simply cannot stand being quiet, waiting patiently, and tolerating the silence long enough for the results that will inevitably take place.
Sr. (Dr) Lilly Thokkanattu SJL
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