They considered that the Muslims were celebrating their victory and it was the most appropriate time to attack them. Malik Ibn Ous tried to organize Halasins and along with a few other tribes. A few of them refused to join. Duraib was an old man belonging to Inushen tribe. He was too weak to actively participate in the operation but he was very intelligent and had rich experience in the tactics of war. Their consolidation of army consisted of even women and children and they camped at Mutab valley. Duraib, who was blind asked Malik why he had brought women, children, cattle and other properties to the battle field. He replied that it was done to confuse the army. Duraib asked what would happen if they were defeated in the war. Could anything be done by the defeated party to protect anything which was brought to the battle field. He added “If we win the war credit should go the men who are fighting. Ladies and old cannot contribute anything in this. And if you are defeated in the war that properties will be taken away by the enemy as booty and we shall be humiliated.”
Malik did not agree with the opinion of Duraib.
Others also endorsed Maliks view. Thinking that his conduct should not weaken
them Duraib also joined them. Malik ordered his army to shatter the enemy army
when they reached the valley of Umain hills. He thought that this unexpected
attack would shatter the Muslim army and they could easily defeat them and the
tribes of Umain will gain fame for crushing the Muslims and put an end to their
onward march.
Muslim army camped at the valley of Umain in the night.
On the morning they resumed their journey. At that time tribe under the
leadership of Malik suddenly attacked them. The army started sending arrows one
after another towards the Muslim army. The Muslim army was shattered and they
started running away. Abu Sufian also
was there with the Muslim army. He saw the defeat of the Muslim army who were
under the pride on the conquest of Mecca made and said and the victory of
Muslims end. There upon Sheeba Ibn Usman who lost his father at the battle
field of Uhd swore to take to vengeance on Mohammed.
Justice P K Shamsuddin
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