Sunday, 21 October 2012

Mind, Awareness, Consciousness

Krishna and all realized people go beyond mind. It means that one has known that which is beyond mind. After realization mind does not disappear but it is cleansed, stilled and saturated with the beyond. Transcendence of mind can be achieved by two ways, through suppression or through love and understanding. By suppression, it gets torn and divided. By love and understanding it is integrated and settled in wisdom. When we come to know God, it is that we are body, spirit and God all together. Mind and soul are absorbed in that which is immense, the infinite. Krishna and all realized people have known the immense, the eternal. But they continue to have mind, a mind with heightened sensitivity and awareness. This is the absolute result of transcending mind by not fighting or suppressing but by living with it in a friendly way of love and understanding. 

Mind is unnatural when it is fighting with itself, in conflict. When the whole mind is integrated, everything it does becomes natural and spontaneous. Here we have to understand the difference between animal and human. The animal is natural and innocent too as that of Krishna and all realized people. But the real difference is that the animal is not aware of it but the realized person is aware of it. The naturalness and innocence of Krishna and animal are same but with regard to their consciousness there is tremendous difference. Krishna’s witnessing centre is always alert and aware of everything in and around him. The animal has no witnessing centre at all. Krishna and all the realized have gone beyond mind but animals are below the mind.

A man of wisdom is at rest, because nothing remains unknown to him. An ignorant is also at rest because he does not know a thing, like an animal. To be restless a person should know something- that is most of us! That is why we say when someone attains wisdom he becomes like a child. Somebody asked Jesus- a realized person, “How is your kingdom of God? How is one attains God?” Jesus said, “One who attains to God becomes like a child” It does not mean child has clear wisdom, it just means a realized person becomes ’like’ a child not child itself. Because if child can have the wisdom all children should be realized, child has to cross all the evolution of mind from beneath to beyond to reach the wisdom. Krishna and all realized souls have outlived the mind, transcended and gone beyond them.  Thus Krishna helps us to understand the similarity and difference between Animal and Human, realized soul, they all are well defined.

We can travel to meditation from anywhere and everywhere. There is no point in this world from where we cannot make a start for meditation. The start can be from painting, singing, dancing, it is just the purity of our self without the pollution of show off for the sake of others, brings us to a true point we travel into Meditation. Krishna is the real example for us, to understand, be ourselves, though it may sometimes seem inferior or superior in comparison to the world. But our gut to ignore this comparison and to be true to our own self is the answer.

Let us understand more and more of Krishna to understand Gita.
Wishing you good health and happiness,
Dr. Dwarakanath, Director, Mitran Foundation- the stress management people!

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