Wednesday 4 February 2015

Soft Corner

He had come to see me after a long gap of two years. He was working in the software development team with me. He had suddenly left our organisation for a meager salary jump to another organisation. He did not transfer his charge to other colleague so I was a little unhappy with him. I had both officially and personally requested him earlier to come and handover his work charge, but he never turned up. Just two days before he rang me and requested me for his experience certificate. I clearly informed him, that without handing over his charge he cannot get it. He agreed to come a day before, but again he did not come. Yesterday again, he called me and requested to come today. Although I was a little upset with his behaviour, in the interest of work, I gave him the appointment. Fortunately, he came today at exact time. He entered the room and approached me to touch my feet. I said, “It’s Okay and shook hands with him”. But somehow with his gesture, I developed a soft corner for him. Why and how, but it happened.

One can say that a fair person should never bother about such things. But I did feel that a gesture of touching my feet made me soft. Something did occur inside me which made me different from what I was a few moments before. After that, the whole day passed quite smoothly for us. He handed over the charge to another person, explaining everything in detail. I also ordered lunch for him. I gave a well worded experience letter to him in the evening.

Later in the evening, when I was having a chat with me, I thought that whether, it was his gesture of touching feet, that made me softer, or my personality has changed, that I can’t be angry with people so easily. That’s how our behavioral traits are. Life can be made simple by some simple interactions. There could be many interpretations of this episode. Developing a soft corner due to a particular gesture could be considered a weakness for a person on the decision seat. But in this episode, it aided a fair end result. Hope my readers will also have their own soft corners.

Dr. Sunil Ji Garg

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