Friday, 18 May 2012

The Battle Continues

Message of Peace - Justice P K Shamsuddin

On the next day, Mohammed called upon the Muslims to regroup and pursue the enemy. Only those who had participated in the previous days battle were allowed to proceed towards the Meccan force. Mohammed reached Hanra Al Azad. Abu Sufian and his companions were still at Al Rawha. They met Mahad Al Khaza and he told them that Mohammed and his companions were pursuing them with a large army. Abu Sufian pondered over the consequences of encountering them. He thought of the encounter with Mohammed and his companions; if the defeat them they might destroy Mecca for ever. He therefore played a trick; he sent a message to Mohammed saying that the Meccans would return in order to finish them off. On receiving the message, Mohammed and his companions stayed at Hanra Al Azad for three days. However, the Meccans wanted to celebrate their victory and they returned to Mecca. Waiting for three days, Mohammed and his companions also returned to Medina.
            Abu Sufian and the Meccans, before going home, went to Kaba and offered thanks and prayers to their High God Habal. Muslims, despite the fact that they spent three days in the open, found that their enemies had returned. The battle of Uhd had enabled the non- Muslim elements to stand against Mohammed. Mohammed took special care to keep him addressed of the developments in Medina and outside Medina. He prepared himself to re-establish the local power and reputation. Qulayha and Salmah sons of Khuwayleid and leaders of Banu Hasan inspired the youngsters of their tribes men to attack Medina and seek Mohammed at his own house. When Mohammed heard of this he sent Salmah along with 160 archers, including Abu Ubaidah, Abu Waqquah and Ubaid Ibn Hudayr. The enemies were taken by surprise and they ran away leaving their possessions. The Muslims collected the booty and returned to Medina to once again organize their defense.

To read more articles from Message of Peace, kindly visit Indian Thoughts 

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