Thursday, 3 May 2012

Mohammed Wounded (MOP)

Message of Peace - Justice P K Shamsuddin

The archers were commanded by Mohammed not to leave the mountain side under any circumstances. He warned it from the heights even while seeing the Meccan army running away from the battle field and the Muslims were pursuing them collecting the booty. But the archers on the mountain side argued with one another, that no purpose will be served in keeping their position as the enemy has been defeated and were running for their life. Then a wiser voice reminded of the command of Mohammed not to leave their position even for rescuing the Muslim army. Mohammed had intended for them to remain in their positions that long and certainly after the defeat of their enemy. Abdulla Ibn Subair advised them not to violate Mohammed’s command. However, the majority did not heed to his advice and they left the place a hurry to collect the booty. Seeing this, Khalid Ibn Walid informed the Meccans about the golden opportunity to attack the Muslims from the side of the mountain where the archers were positioned. The Muslims were not aware of what was happening and were preoccupied in collecting the booty. After occupying the mountain side, Khalid Ibn Walid signaled to Meccans to attack again the Muslims from the rear. The defeated Meccans rallied to his call and resumed the fighting and started to attack the Muslims. This surprise attack was totally unexpected. The Muslims dropped the booty and tried to defend themselves. Their ranks were disorderly and the Meccans could create havoc. In the Muslim ranks, each one fought to save his own life except such men like Ali Ibn Abu Talib. Finally, somebody raised the cry that Mohammed was killed.
When the Meccans heard the story of the death of Mohammed, their archers fell upon the Muslim ranks with renewed vigor. Anyway, one of them tried to hit Mohammed for the honour of having brought an end to the war. At this moment of crisis, a very bold and courageous Muslim woman acted as the body guard of the prophet and stood firm by the side of Mohammed. A few other Muslims who stood close to Mohammed formed a close circle around him. However, a stone, thrown by Uthah Ibn Abu Waqqah, hit Mohammed and caused him down to the ground. He attempted to stand up behind a shield of his companions but he fell again. Ali Ibn Abu Thalib ran to Mohammed and with the help of a companion lifted Mohammed. At this, other companions also retreated to the mountain side of Mohammed. 

For more articles from Message of Peace, kindly visit Indian Thoughts 

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