Message of peace - Justice P K Shamsuddin
took the news of the death of Mohammed with joy and Abu Sufian made a search
for the body of Mohammed. Muslims had not denied the story of the death of
Mohammed. Kab Ibn Malha came close to the circle formed around Mohammed and
noticed that Mohammed was still alive. He declared at the top of his voice “Oh believers,
hear for the prophet of God is still alive…” Mohammed however asked him to keep
silent. Muslims then reinforced the protective circle around Mohammed and moved
him towards the mountain. They were lead by Abu Bakr, Umer, Ali and others. The
proclamation of Kab brought about a different effect on Meccans. Most of them
did not believe it and they thought that it was an enemy trick intended to
rally the Muslims to fight again. A few Meccans ran towards Muslims shouting,
“Where is Mohammed? Death to me if he lives.” Mohammed hurled a javelin at him.
Harid Ibn Abu Zimmah threw him off and killed him. When the Muslims reached the
entrance to the valley on the other side Ali filled his shield with water, washed
Mohammed’s face and poured some water on his head. Abu While this was taking
place Khalid Ibn Walid was viewing the hillside Meccan cavalry who were being
repelled by the Muslims force. Muslims continued their retreat and they were
thoroughly exhausted.
Meccans were excited in their victory and were under the impression of having
taken full vengeance for their defeat in Badr. Abu Sufian felt much pride and
said, “A great war was won against the failure at Badr….” This did not seem to
have fully compensated for some Meccans. Wife of Hamsa ran to the battle field
and began mutilating the bodies of the Meccans. She then cut the body of Hamsa
and pulled out his liver and began to chew it. These deeds of the men and their
women were so mean that even Abu Sufian denounced this brutality. He said to
one of the Muslims, “The soldier died from your side were indeed mutilated but
I swear by God that this inhuman.”
Meccans returned after burying the bodies of their dead soldiers. The Muslims
returned to the battled field to bury the soldiers who died from their side. When
Mohammed saw that the dead body of his uncle was mutilated, he declared the
approach to be quite shameful. The Muslims felt ashamed of having encountered
such a defeat and humiliation after great victory at Badr. They fully realized
that it was the archers’ disobedience to Mohammed’s commands that brought this
shame. The Musims preoccupied with collecting booty also added to the defeat of
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