Message of Peace - Justice P K Shamsuddin
Mohammed came to know that Khalid Ibn Sufia inciting the people to evade
Medina. Mohammed commanded Abdulla Ibn Umay to travel to Medina in order to know
more. Abdulla found that Khalid was in the company of some women. Abdulla
pretended that he came to give him necessary support to attack Medina. Khalid
told Abdulla that he was raising an army to attack Medina. Abdulla took him to
a distant place and put an end to his life. Abdulla returned to Medina and
reported the matter to Mohammed. It had the effect of silencing Benu Libyan. But
Benu Libyan was planning to avenge the murder of their leader Khalid Ibn Sufia.
that time, some tribesmen came to Mohammed and said that there were some Muslims
among them and requested him to send some of his companions to instruct them his
teachings, pass them the principles of Islam and to recite Quran. Mohammed decided
to send his companions to such areas. Heeding to their request, he sent six of
his notable companions. When they were camping near a well belonging to the
tribe of Hudhyl at a place called Al Rag, the six companions found that they
were cheated and they were surrounded by enemy with drawn swords. The
companions also got ready for a battle. But Ubay tribesmen said to them that it
is not their intention to kill them and they only wanted to make them captives and
take them to Mecca. The Muslims looked at one another and decided that a
humiliating captivity in Mecca was far worse than their life. They rejected the
promise of the Ubay tribesmen and got ready to fight, though they knew well
that they were far outnumbered. In the fight, three of them were killed and others
were over powered. The tribesmen tied their hands and took them to Mecca.
Abdulla Ibn Khalid managed to pull his hands free and took sword to fight with
them, but he was killed. The other two captives were taken to Mecca and sold by
Ubay. Zayd Ibn Dalthina was purchased by Sufian Hahwan Ibn Umayyah in order to
revenge for the death of his father Umayya Ibn Khalab. The captive was given to
his servant Mastan for execution. Mastan questioned the captive and asked him, “Oh
Syed, did you not prefer that Mohamed is precious than his life” Syed announced
and said, “No by God, certainly I prefer that Mohammed be where he is, saved
from all harm.” Abu Sufian said, “Never have I seen anyone more beloved by his
companions than Mohammed.” Mastan executed the order of his master and killed
Syed. The remaining captive was kept in jail until such time he was crucified.
He asked them to be allowed to pray which was conceded by them. After finishing
his prayer he exclaimed, “My God, were I not afraid that you might think that I
was not ready to die, I would have longed at that time.” Makhwan lifted him to
the cross and tied him to it. With great passion he prayed to God, “Oh God,
reduce their number rout and disperse them, Do not let any one of them escape.”
There was such a ring on his voice; the executor fell to the ground as if his
curse was real.
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