Smart Plus - Rakesh Mittal I A S
Some years back the Rubik Cube came
out as a popular and interesting game. It is a cuboid with six faces of six
different colours. Each face consists of nine squares and each square can be
rotated on two different axes. The game involves rotating of these squares in
such a manner that each face of the cuboid becomes a single colour. Overall it
is a complex exercise and most players fail to achieve the desired result.
However, many have acquired such a skill that they can achieve the desired
result in a surprisingly short time. It is a beautiful sight to see the six
faces of six different colours presenting a harmonious look. Some books have also been written on this
game and shows held to demonstrate it. I myself however never got much
interested in the game and therefore did not often play it.
Once I had gone to Trichur on the
occasion of Guru Poornima. In the evening I was on a walk with another devotee
who is settled in Muscat. He told me about the craze for this game in certain
countries and how some of the players had acquired a great skill in it. And
then we started comparing life with the game of Rubik Cube. We felt that life
too was as complicated as the Rubik game and that it was a question of
acquiring a skill in living if we wanted to make it harmonious. In the Rubik
game, as one proceeds, one finds that despite one’s best efforts different
colours intrude and it becomes almost impossible to bring the same colours on
all the six faces. Some are able to achieve success on one and some on two or
three faces. Very rarely does one find a player who can restore all the faces
to a single colour.
In life too, as we proceed to achieve
harmony, some event or the other breaks it and we have to start afresh. It is
only after we have learnt the art of living that such events do not disturb us
but in a way make life more interesting and challenging. With the growth of
wisdom, the time taken to accept these events gets reduced further and further.
Thereafter, all events of life are accepted in a very natural manner. Eventually
one becomes like those players of the Rubik Cube who reach the six~face stage
within a very short time. For such people life becomes harmonious and nothing
can disturb them. Such persons are the
yogis in the true sense.
Reaching such a state of harmony is
the ultimate purpose of life. For this
one has to understand the principles of life, believe in them and practise
them. There is no short-cut to it.
However, once this skill is acquired, no one can take it away from you.
You will then be able to play with life in the same way as a skilled person
plays with the Rubik Cube, notwithstanding its complex nature.
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