Friday, 8 June 2012

Broken Covenants

Message of Peace - Justice P K Shamsuddin

The hypocrites were happy on the post war developments, described here. Mohammed was quite aware of the mindset of these two groups. He was also aware that they were plotting against him. He therefore decided to shock them into betrayal of their real motive. The Jews of Banu Al Nadir tribe were the allies of Banu Amir. They went to Mohammed, together with others including Abu Baker, Umar and Amir. When Mohammed presented his views, the Jews pretended that they had acceded to his wishes. Of course some of them loved reconciliation but others were talking about killing Mohammed. Realizing this Mohammed left them, leaving behind his companions but giving the impression that he would soon return.
 The Jews tried to convince the Muslims that their intention was good and also tried to dispel any suspicion in their mind. Soon the companions of Mohammed began to complain that Mohammed had not returned and they went out in search of him. They met a man on the way who assured that Mohammed had safely returned to his place. They later met Mohammed, who told them of the Jewish plan to kill him. It was then only they realized the strange behavior of the Jews. Mohammed had overheard them mentioning about murder. Further, Amr Ibn Quhah entered the house where Mohammed was living, in a suspicious and stealthily manner. Mohammed could no more contain his doubt which their talk and conversations made gradually revealed. The Muslims also held the suspicion given by Mohammed that the Jews were talking to kill him was justified. Mohammed commanded to Mohammed Ibn Mahmah to go to the Jews of Banu Malik and tell them to leave the country as they plotted to kill Mohammed and violated the covenant which Mohammed gave them. Mohammed also instructed him to give them ten days time to evacuate. The attempt of Jews to get the verdict changed did not succeed.
The Jews spent a number of days preparing for a war. In the meantime, Abdulla Ibn Ubayy came to them with the messages that they should not leave their land and soon he would be coming  to their assistance with two thousand Jewish and other fighters to meet Mohammed and his companions. Banu Al Nadir pondered over the promised protection and wondered how he could be trusted of victory. They also recalled that the same man had previously promised to help Banu Qynuqa but betrayed them. They also thought that since Banu Qynuqa had made peace with Mohammed they would not be prepared to come to their rescue. In this circumstance, they decided to leave to a nearby place and come to Medina to harvest their crops. However, the leader Huyayy Ibn Akhtab finally took a decision contrary to their view. He said that he would send a messenger to Mohammed saying that they would not leave their homes and property. Also they would refuse to comply with Mohammed’s demand. He thought that Mohammed would not be able to block them even as long as two years. The Jews were persuaded to agree with this view but some of them left the place within ten days, which left to an armed conflict. For twenty days the battle continued. The Jews waited for military assistance from Ubayy or from other tribes in vain.  At the end, they Pleaded Mohammed to guarantee their life and property. Mohammed conceded to their request and permitted each one of them to leave with a few listed articles. Finally they left Medina and settled at Khaybar.

To read more articles from Message of Peace, kindly visit Indian Thoughts 

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