Friday, 1 June 2012

Treachery Unmatched

Message of Peace - Justice P K Shamsuddin

The companions could have save their lives if they had betrayed Islam. Mohammed and his companions were shocked to know about the treachery of Hudhaya. Hussan Ibn Hadith, the Muslim poet composed a poem in their memory, in which Ubaid and Zayyed were subject of the warmest compassion and moaning. Abu Bara approached Mohammed and though Mohammed offered the faith of Islam Abu Bara turned down the offer. At the same time he did not exhibit any enmity towards Islam; he asked Mohammed to send some of his companions to the people of Mezed to preach Islam. Mohammed feared that his companions might face the same treachery. He therefore refused to accept Abu Bara’s request. However, Abu Bara assured that he would be the protector and guardian of his companions. Abu Bara was an influential leader; there was no reason to suspect him. Mohammed ultimately decided to send Mundhir Ibn Amr together with other companions in the foremost Muslim rank.
            The delegation reached the well of Muna at the frontier between Banu Amer and Banu Sulayan. From there, they handed over the message of Mohammed. Amir refused even to read the message and killed its’ carrier. He called on the tribesmen of Benu Amir to kill all the Muslims. When the tribesmen refused to violate the protection offered by Amir Bara, Amir summoned other tribes to do the job. A number of the tribesmen responded positively to his call. They surrounded them and killed them. Only Kab Ibn Zayd and Amar Ibn Umayya escaped. Kab was left wounded in the field on the assumption that he died. Amar Ibn Umayya was set free. He went to Medina and reported to Mohammed what happened.   
            The above event deeply grieved Mohammed. He blamed Abu Bara for it, since it was at his request that these companions were sent By Mohammed. Abu Bara was very much displeased with Amir Ibn Al Duhayl for violating his protective covenant with Mohammed and his companions and sent his own son in vengeance for the violated honour. 

To read more articles from Message of Peace, kindly visit Indian Thoughts 

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