Message of Peace - P K Shamsuddin
Until the
exit of the Jewish tribe Banu Al Nadir from Medina, Mohammed’s secretary was a
Jew who helped Mohammed in communicating in Hebrew and Cyriac as well as in
Arabic. After the evacuation of Banu Al Nadir tribe, Mohammed changed his
secretary and appointed Zayd Ibn Thaeid and asked him to learn Hebrew and
Cyriac languages. Peace was restored in Medina after the evacuation of the
tribe Banu Al Nadir. This continued until the following year. Mohammed
remembered the pledge of Abu Sufian to destroy Muslims. Mohammed also remembered
that Abu Sufian has challenged to meet once more to meet the Muslims at Badr.
However, Abu Sufian postponed the proposed attack to another year till he sent
a messenger to Medina to inform the Muslims that the Meccans have collected a
huge army such as Arabs had never achieved before and that they would destroy
the Muslims once and for ever and inflict upon them untold miseries. The
Muslims reacted with apprehension but were eager to remain in Medina and not to
go out to meet their enemy at Badr. However, Mohammed said differently and with
some hesitation decided to march to Badr to meet the enemy. Mohammed appointed
Abdulla Abu Qubaay to look after the administration of Medina in his absence.
arrived at Badr and waited for the Meccan army. The Meccans sent two thousand
fighters under the leadership of Abu Sufian. However, Abu Sufian was not
enthusiastic to fight and decided to return to Mecca. He advised his people
that since they could not do well in war outside Mecca, it was better for them
to return home. Accordingly they returned to Mecca along with the army. The
Muslims remained at Badr for eight days. During that time, the Muslim army got
engaged themselves in some trade and made huge profit for which they thanked
God. Mohammed and his army returned to Medina. Mohammed was happy that the
Muslims recaptured their prestige. In the meanwhile, news came to him that a
group from Ghatafn was leading an army to fight him. Mohammed planned to attack
and surprise them before they could complete their procession. Gathering a
force of four hundred, Mohammed led the army to Dhat Al Rik, where the enemy
had rallied. The Muslim army took initiative to make the surprise attack and
the army of the tribes ran back leaving their equipments and properties. The
Muslims returned to Medina. Mohammed established night and day sentry. The
enemy however never showed up their force and Mohammed also returned to Medina
after fifteen days.
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