Sunday, 28 April 2013

Mind, conscious & memory 6

Existence was very much here when we were not, and it will continue to be here after we will be gone. We will make no difference whatsoever so far as existence is concerned. Stars will continue to shine as brightly as ever. Flowers will bloom as they have always bloomed. Streams will continue to flow and birds continue to sing. We are like lines drawn on the surface of water: no sooner they are drawn than they disappear. Then why carry this utterly unnecessary burden of “I” on our heads and suffer endlessly? If whole of existence can go without me, why cannot I go without me?

To understand the deeper meaning of non- action is wisdom. To understand non-action is to understand everything. And then every action becomes inaction, then we do without being a doer, then we act through inaction. Non- action is the gate to wisdom. It is alchemy. Passing through ordinary action, if we encounter non-action with understanding, we will soon come upon inaction, which in its turn leads to remembering. Remembering only happens through inaction. Remembering which comes with effort is false, and it is another form of action. Remembering that comes on its own, effortlessly, is real and it comes straight from cosmos. That is why we say that the Vedas are divine revelations. Whenever something comes from beyond- whoever may be the medium- it is divine revelation. The Bible is as much divine knowledge as the Vedas are. That is why Jesus says again and again that his father in heaven speaks through him. And Krishna says, “I am not, only God is; I am God. And it is I who am making the Mahabharata happen; it is all my play.”

Therefore, Krishna says us not to think that we are the doer. With doer comes fear, anxiety and anguish. Every suffering, every sorrow, arises from ego, the doer which is false entity- Maya. We are merely instrument in the hands of the divine. Inaction is the technique of remembering which leads to realization

Wishing you all good health and happiness,
Dr. Dwarakanath, Director, MITRAN foundation- the stress management people

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