Monday, 8 April 2013

How Do We Recognize Success?

“Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy goal”   Earl Nightingale

For most people, success is the maddening chase toward a better way of life or more of something - more fame, power, recognition, money or material stuff. For some, it is the understanding of a loving partner, the love of their child, or the people that they can count on when the life throws them a curve. Success is  a  journey, not a destination. After we reach one goal, we go to  the next and  the next. It is an experience; outside forces cannot make one feel successful. Success and happiness goes hand in hand. Success is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get. True success is measured by the feeling of knowing you have done a job well and have achieved your objective. 

Success is not more material wealth, but peace, happiness, contentment and  love. Real success is not to be sought after in the outer world, but discovered in your inner world. What matters is people, what lasts is love. It is kindness shared, support given and received, listening, giving and caring. The success of life lies in keep moving forward even if it is to  make baby steps.

Success is all about giving your best in whatever you do. Think of Thomas Edison who is reputed to  have  found 10,000 ways how not to  make a light bulb before he succeeded in making one. His success was built upon that knowledge gained from the enthusiastic attempts he made earlier. “It is better to have  tried and failed, than never to have failed at all”, reminds Dave Faber. The key to success is to give a try with confidence, no matter what happens. Every sincere attempt you make determines your success level because success is a matter of the mind. Therefore, be on the track of success by giving your best in every try. All that is necessary to  succeed  is to  start and then do the best of which you are capable. 

A poet said, “The woods would be very silent if the only birds who sang there were the birds who sang the best”. Nothing will happen until you take the first step.

Sr (Dr) Lilly Thokkanattu SJL

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