Abbas arrived at Aracca. Abbas informed the Meccans of the strength of the Muslim army and advised them that it would be better for them to surrender without using any force. The conversion of Abu Sufian to Islam did not anyway affect the Muslim army in their preparation to March to Mecca. Abu Sufian commented to Abbas about the wonderful energy of the Muslims and said, “These people did not have any strength before Abu Rassal (that was the pet name of Abu Sufian). “By God, no doubt, the infants of your brother’s son would be very powerful.” Abu Sufian started shouting, “Oh Qureshi, Mohammed is near you with a wonderful army. If anybody enters my house he shall be fearless. People who came inside the house and Al-Masjid al-Ḥarām will have also protection.”
Mohammed was continuing his march with the army towards Mecca. They reached Duthuva. From there they examined the general atmosphere. Then Mohammed found that the Meccans were not prepared for any confrontation. Mohammed asked the army to stop there. He glorified Goid and expressed gratitude to Him. At that moment, Abu Quhafa, father of Abu Bekker who had not embraced Islam, asked his granddaughter to lead him Abu Quabis. She reached Abu Qubais along with Abu Quahafa who was blind. He realized that the Muslim cavalry was advancing towards Mecca and asked her to take him home immediately. But before he could reach home cavalry entered Mecca and prevented them from making further advance.
Mohammed commanded to divide the army into four. He also commanded not to kill anybody or shed any blood except under very exceptional circumstances. Hubain Bin Awam was to lead the army on the left side. Mohammed also commanded that troop to enter Mecca through the northern side. Khalid Ibn Wahid was entrusted to command the army of the right side. The leadership of the army consisting of the people of Medina were entrusted to Saad Bin Ubada. They were commanded to enter the city through western side. The leader of Mohajids, Abu Ubaida Bin Hadavala was commanded to enter the city through the mountain side. Mohammed also joined with them. As the army moved forward Saad Bin Ubada made a declaration that “Today is the day of war when no valley is attacked.” When Mohammed heard this he took back the flag with him and entrusted the flag to his son Quais who was not a man of emotion like his father.
Justice PK Shamsuddin
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