Tuesday 31 May 2016

Love For The Family

The Duke of Edinburgh’s diamond studded snuff box vanished, after he had handed it around after the traditional annual dinner he served to his officers. At that time there were no servants in the room and so all agreed to turn their pockets inside out.  But one officer not only refused but walked out in protest. Naturally everyone suspected him.

One year later, putting on the same coat that he had worn on that fateful day, the Duke found the snuff box in its pocket. So the Duke went hunting for the suspected officer and found him in the garret in a very miserable condition and apologized to him. 

“But why did you not show your pocket and clear yourself of all suspicion that day?” asked the Duke. “My pockets were full of broken meat craps from the table that I had saved from the table for my wife and children who were dying of hunger at that time,” answered the officer.

To be ready and willing to jeopardize even one’s own good name for the sake of the dear ones! How sublime! “Where there is love, there is no burden. If there is burden, the burden itself is loved.”

Indian Thoughts - Archives

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